50,000 Orthodox Jews SHUT DOWN 10 Blocks of NYC on Sunday PROTESTING AGAINST ISRAEL!!! WHERE WAS THE media??

50,000 Orthodox Jews SHUT DOWN 10 Blocks of NYC on Sunday PROTESTING AGAINST ISRAEL!!! WHERE WAS THE media??
Alexander Rasalgul's photo.

50,000 Orthodox Jews SHUT DOWN 10 Blocks of NYC on Sunday PROTESTING AGAINST ISRAEL!!! WHERE WAS THE NEWS?March 21 at 9:11pm

50,000 Orthodox Jews SHUT DOWN 10 Blocks of NYC on Sunday PROTESTING AGAINST ISRAEL!!! WHERE WAS THE NEWS?? 😠😷

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Mnar Muhawesh one state solution is the only solution for peace in Isreal

Mnar Muhawesh
Mnar Muhawesh

esMnar Muhawh is founder, CEO and editor in chief of MintPress News, and is also a regular speaker on responsible journalism, sexism, neoconservativism within the media and journalism start-ups. In 2009, Muhawesh also became the first American woman to wear the hijab to anchor/report the news in American media. Muhawesh is also a wife and mother of a rascal four year old boy, juggling her duties as a CEO and motherly tasks successfully as supermom. Follow Mnar on Twitter at @mnarmuh

(VIDEO) MintPress Founder, Mnar Muhawesh: One State Solution Is Only Solution For Peace In Israel

On February 24, 2015, Augsburg College presented a panel discussion on “Palestine-Israel: Understanding The Conflict At Hand” to discuss the solution for peace in Israel/Palestine through a one state solution. The panel included MintPress founder & editor in chief Mnar Muhawesh along with Jewish Voice for Peace members & anti-war activist Sabry Wazwaz.
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MINNEAPOLIS — “Palestine-Israel: Understanding The Conflict At Hand” presented MintPress founder & editor in chief Mnar Muhawesh  as a panelist, along with two members of Jewish Voices for Peace , Cindy Cohen and Asa Diebolt,  joined by Palestinian-American and Anti-War Committee member Sabry Wazwaz to discuss solutions to peace in the Holy Land and ending Israeli apartheid.

Below is an edit of the highlights from the peace forum. Panel members asked for more understanding of the real human issues–religion aside– and knowledge about the extent of the Zionist Israeli government apartheid action and relief from the futile argument that Israel is a democracy and home to only the Jewish people– making genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Muslims and Christians acceptable in the name of Judaism. Muhawesh discussed the media’s responsibility in covering this conflict as a human rights issue, how to identify this as an effect of imperialism of dividing Muslims and Jews to exploit those two religious populations to further “conquer” the Middle East region.

So what’s the solution? End religious privilege and superiority in the Holy Land and create a one state solution where all religious people, whether Christian, Muslim or Jew have equal rights living side by side in peace as they did for generations before the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.


Video courtesy of Bill Sorem.

‘ I Stand With Israel ‘ Hecklers Interrupt & Attempt to Hijack Panel

Below is the full length panel discussion on the solutions for peace in the holy land and ending the violence. The panel was interrupted by hecklers who demanded to stand with Israel despite Israeli apartheid and genocidal actions.

Video courtesy of Bill Sorem.



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RADIO JONES listeners this Friday 5th February on Talk Radio Europe….

Good morning to RADIO JONES listeners this Friday 5th February on Talk Radio Europe….

Being the first Friday of the month I will welcome back my co-host, activist and author Ray Woolford for our monthly look at news from across the world.

With that in mind we can go over to the USA to meet a member from inside the ‪#‎BernieSanders‬ camp ‪#‎ShayDavis‬. She describes herself as a recovering ex-Republican and is now a vocal supporter of the only candidate who has the potential to tip ‪#‎HilaryClinton‬ from her lofty perch. Well, with calls for a recount after the first round of elections in Iowa, Shay will speak to us from inside the camp live today.

‪#‎KerryMcCarthy‬ is Labour MP for Bristol East and shadow Secretary for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Coming to us live from the UK she will speak about ‪#‎TheFoodWasteReductionBill‬ to require the Secretary of State to establish incentives to implement and encourage observance of the food waste reduction hierarchy; to encourage individuals, businesses and public bodies to reduce the amount of food they waste; to require large supermarkets, manufacturers and distributors to reduce their food waste by no less than 30 per cent by 2025 and to enter into formal agreements with food redistribution organisations.

Then to an update on the piece of international corporate policy making that should have us all out on the streets and shouting. ‪#‎TTIP‬. According to ‪#‎GlobalJusticeNow‬, the European Commission is trying to legitimise the handing of special legal privilege to big business. It’s not about making things fairer, but trying to buy off opposition. It’s an assault on the sovereignty of Britain and the EU. Well now Germany’s largest association of judges and public prosecutors have criticised the set of reforms lending some heavy weight to the growing awareness.

‪#‎TheFoodFoundation‬ is an independent organisation that aims to present solutions to government and the private sector to address the growing challenges facing the UK’s food system. With rising prices, increased global demand, and reduction in productive land, from the field to the fridge, there are new and increasing challenges to Britain’s current public policy on food.
Let’s hear from ‪#‎LauraSandys‬ of the organisation.

And then to the ‪#‎HousingBill‬. ‪#‎NikAntoniades‬ is very interested in promoting reform of housing law so as to return to security of tenure both in the private and public sectors and a return to rent control. In his view it is a no brainer that such a policy will have obvious benefits; not only for tenants, allowing for families to establish roots and stability for children to learn while still allowing landlords to make a reasonable income

In the UK 25% of adults are obese, the highest prevalence in Europe, and type 2 diabetes has risen by 65% in the past 10 years with no sign of slowing down. Together they cost the NHS ÂŁ16 billion a year and the UK economy at large ÂŁ47 billion a year, these perilous percentages and shocking statistics have presented themselves despite the fact that as a population Britons are following the dietary advice that is being recommended. But that’s just it…..the government backed recommendations are wrong, so much so that a group of very emminent GP’s, including ‪#‎DrAseemMalhotra‬, and other medical and nutritional professionals have come together to set up an independent public health charity called the ‪#‎PublicHealthCollaboration‬ (PHC). Director‪#‎SamFeltham‬ will tell us about the essential crowd-funded campaign.


@radiojonespippa @tretalkisgood @raywoolford @LiberalLaTchr @SamFeltham Global Justice Now U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders The Food Foundation Aseem Malhotra @PHCUKorg @ZoeHarcombe‪#‎TheHarcombeDiet‬

Pippa Jones's photo.
Pippa Jones's photo.
Pippa Jones's photo.
Pippa Jones's photo.
Pippa Jones's photo.
Ray Woolford
Ray Woolford How we get all this and more in just 2 hour slot , with take on almost every story not being report is mind blowing, especially today, as i have a good awful cold.


 I wanted to say that the U.S. gov’t is part of the problem in Palestine and has always  been part of the problem since the Yankees support Israel.The USA can never achieve peace while it supports Israel.Israel shouldn’t be recognized by any gov’t in the world because of its war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian People.
One thing that the US excels at is “presentation”, and not just political presentation, the US media industry is unmatched at “presenting” US movies and TV programs that are carefully designed not to offend public opinion while at the same time appealing to the larger market.

It`s supremely good at what it does, American films and TV programs are willingly accepted by the world at large, influencing subconsciously the opinions of the audience.

In the UK, “Trick or Treat” was unknown until ET was shown to participate in that exclusive US pastime,  UK youngsters now regard “Trick or Treat” as a normal British event, and why not, it`s a situation that has occurred throughout history; The days of the week that we use all come from Norse pagan Gods.

In the 50`s, 60`s and 70`s the US media presented communism as the big boogieman, John Wayne made a fortune fighting the pinko communists, all good entertaining stuff and it reinforced anti-Communist sentiment. Hollywood has gone quiet on Commy bashing since China emerged as the future superpower.

Arabs have replaced communists with Muslim Arabs now portrayed as the totally bad guys, strange really as Hollywood used “The Tales of a thousand and one nights” for years as a rich source of scripts portraying the Middle East as a mysterious and romantic place, Rudolph Valentino made a fortune from his Arab acting roles.

The US emerged from WW2 as the worlds superpower, and following the collapse of the USSR became the undisputed world superpower. Like Britain before, US dominance resulted in US influence prevailing, like Britain before, US interests were not always appreciated, indeed like Britain before, US interests were sometimes rejected, and like Britain before the US has been known to impose US interests by force.

Iraq, Libya and Syria have all suffered US force, While other Arab States, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia with regimes as repressive as any, are ignored by The US who regards them as friends.

Zionist Israel is also regarded as a friend, a close friend, of the US and as a friend of the US is immune from Iran type sanctions or Iraq type attacks, that is simply the way of the world, like Britain before the US chooses it`s response to any situation in anyway it want`s and as the current superpower there is nothing anyone can do about it.

US public opinion is strongly supportive of US policies, particularly in the case of Zionist Israel, and the current superpower, with a population of 350 million can easily ignore the opinions of the Middle East with a population of some 400 million, no matter how justified those opinions may be.

Will this situation be permanent?

You can bet your bottom dollar that it won`t, and like Britain before experienced, if you lose your dominant position, you also lose what you had imposed on others  when you had the military force to do so.

The problem for Israel, is Zionism is completely rejected by the Wider Arab world, it`s not a simple problem of Jews or Christians or Muslims, it`s Zionism, which by definition has to conduct Genocidal Apartheid to remain Zionist, with or without the friendship of the US or US public opinion.

The end of Israeli zionism is upon them, as in South  Africa the terrorists nelson mandela became the freedom fighter , then the mediator, peacemaker, and peaceful transition  took place, it is not perfect but neither are we the human race .What is needed in this transition are not one but two leaders to build two states to live peacefully side by side. Zionism must be abolished to succeed in this objective.Humanity must stop this evil grip that the Zionists have over the Palestinians. only then can the people peacefully coexist .As they do in south Africa.

Chairperson of the Board of israAID Meira has been active in the world of non-profits and their management for over 30 years.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Chairperson of the Board of israAID Meira has been active in the world of non-profits and their management for over 30 years.
You can continue wasting your breath and time hating Israel but it just washes over their heads as they get on with life and helping others. What have you done today to help anyone? Maurice Boland.italkfm.blogspot.com.es

Meira Aboulafia

She holds a BA in General History and Art History from Hebrew University, and studied Management at the Lahav School for Executive Education Tel Aviv University. For 15 years, she served as the Coordinator for Special projects and events at the JDC-Brookdale Institute, as well as the Manager of their Middle East program meant to enhance the quality of health care systems in the entire region. She co-chaired the Israeli NGO Aid without Borders from 2000-2002, and has spent the last 10 years fighting for Humans and Human rights for Palestinians. In addition to chairing the board of Directors, Meira has organized IsraAID workshops, conferences, and forums, as well as co-lead programs in the field.

I can find no affiliation to Zionism or zionist Israel in fact the chairperson of the board states” I for the past 10 years have been fighting for humanity and equal human rights for Palestinians”.

Below is the list of donors and partners,none have a stated interest in ZIONISM APART FROM Israel foreign affairs department  possibly.


  • ADRA Japan
    • Jewish Federation of Greater Baton Rouge
    • Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
    • Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
    • Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans
    • Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver
    • Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
    • Jewish Federation of St. Louis
    • Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)
    • Jewish World Watch (JWW)
    • Ministry of Gender and Social Development of South Sudan
    • Operation Blessing International (OBI)
    • Pears foundation
    • Pratt foundation
    • Serving Friends
    • Ted Arison Family Foundation
    • The Congregation of Jesus - Beit Shalom
    • The Jewish United Fund (JUF)
    • UJA Federation of Greater Toronto
    • UJA-Federation of New York
    • WNC Jewish Federation


  • All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives (ACFSMC)
  • American Jewish Committee (AJC)
  • American Jewish Congress
  • Ben Gurion University International Medical Program
  • B'nai Brith International
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)
  • Community Chest Korea (CCK)
  • Don Bosco planning and Development Office
  • Federation CJA
  • Fish Family Foundation
  • Global Giving
  • Greater Miami Jewish Federation
  • Habitat for Humanity International
  • Haifa University's Graduate School of Creative Arts Therapies
  • Hilton Tokyo
  • HP Indigo
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  • Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
  • J/P HRO
  • Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York
  • Japanese Consumer Co-operatives (JCCU-COOP)
  • Jewish Federation of Cleveland







A prophesy fulfilledWhy it’s scarier this time around.There is nothing new about the multi-pronged attack on human rights and anti-occupation activists in Israel, but there’s something different this time. Something scarier.

As scary as the current political atmosphere is for the anti-occupation Left in Israel, it is no surprise to anybody who has skin in the game. Just months after Israel conquered the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, Jewish Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz warned that sooner or later the occupation would come home to roost.

“A state ruling a hostile population of 1.5 to 2 million foreigners would necessarily become a secret-police state, with all that this implies for education, free speech and democratic institutions,” Leibowitz wrote in 1968.

Yeshayahu Leibowitz. (Bracha L. Ettinger/CC-BY-SA 2.5)

And yet, we return to our original premise: why is the current atmosphere any different than the years and decades past? People have been declaring Leibowitz’s prophesy fulfilled for over four decades now. Maybe there has been no dramatic turn for the worse. Maybe we are simply witnessing the latest dip in the depressing trajectory we’ve been following since June 6, 1967 — or, as many Palestinians would argue, since May 15, 1948.

At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter. Soon Israeli Right will celebrate 50 years since the occupation began, while multiple generations of Israelis and Palestinians will have never known a political system that treats all of its subjects equally. Institutional psychology teaches us that institutions are inherently averse to change, that their natural state is fighting to preserve the status quo. In Israel, that means fighting to maintain the occupation, fighting to retain military control over the West Bank, to some extent over the Gaza Strip, and on a number of levels, over the Palestinian people themselves.

After 50 years, it is only natural to perceive anything that challenges the occupation and Jewish political supremacy, the status quo Israel’s government is fighting to preserve, as a threat to the regime. And in the popular lexicon of contemporary Israeli political thought, a threat to the current Israeli regime is a threat to the Jewish people. And that, although it may not be articulated quite in those terms, is where human rights and anti-occupation activists find themselves today.

Remembering the context

The important thing to remember, and this becomes exponentially more difficult as it becomes more personal, is that Israeli human rights and anti-occupation activists are not the ones who most need and deserve the world’s attention here. Israeli human rights activists are not under attack not because of who they are or what they believe in, they are under attack because work threatens the occupation.

And while the political atmosphere in Israel is becoming increasingly hostile to the politics of left-wing Israelis, Palestinians living under Israeli military rule have not had freedom of expression for five decades. They do not have the rights of assembly, of free speech, to vote, to enter or leave their country, to move about freely within that country, to conduct trade, to live with their chosen spouses.