I was so saddened by a TV documentary I watched on BBC 4 last night that I was eventually forced to take a sleeping pill or lie awake all night. The Documentary is called ‘Blackfish’ and it shows up the utter cruelty of keeping Orcas, killer whales, in captivity. It is by far the cruelest film I have ever seen and I hope that Sea World is now going to be shut down.
Closer to home, It was only a few days ago a killer whale at a water park in Tenerife, Spain, beached itself for an extended period of time. A video clip shows the Orca, known as Morgan, lying completely outside the pool, largely motionless, as onlookers watch and take photos. A group called “Morgan Monitors” made the recording at Loro Parque, a tourist destination in the Canary Islands that has had its share of controversial incidents—including when a trainer was crushed to death in an killer whale’s jaws in 2009. Orca’s have turned savage on their keepers on many occasions through frustration. These majestic animals roam thousands of miles in the open seas how dare we put them in a over sized swimming pools and force them to perform like circus clown!
Dolphin Parks like Selow’s in Benalmadina are no better and you and your friends should boycott it. Talking about Selwo and changing the subject slightly, they keep two elephants in captivity in their so called Safari park in Estepona. Don’t the so called ‘experts’ who advice parks like Selwo not know these wonderful animals roam hundreds of miles a day? To cage them is despicable.


Sad but true maurice the cruelty and caging of animals, as you say to cage them is despicable.How dare humans believe they have a right to remove animals from their natural environment and train them for our amusement!
Your outrage and speaking out about boycotting them does you credit.
Even sadder though is that you support the caging of people ,you have no problem with that, Israel steal land, houses,fields of food, making the Palestinians homeless they are herded into Gaza the largest walled camp in the world treat them worse than the killer whales get treated yet that is alright in your book.The Zionist Jews, MPS says it is alright they are Palestinians, subhuman ,god says they are the slaves of the Jews ,so it is alright,they also say it is alright to burn them ,get rid that is alright and shoot and abuse children ,put them in jail torture them but that is allright because they are Palestinians of no worth .THIS SADDENS ME MORE MUCH MORE. You have said in the past that you love animals but if you had to choose between animal and human you would choose humans.but not Palestinian humans because they are sub human and worthless A STATEMENT OFTEN MADE BY ZIONIST JEWS.
I would have gone to maurice,s facebook page and posted this if i could but i cannot I am barred access myself and many others, why because if you disagree with him on any subjects he bars you,  ask francis butler barred, felix barred, andrew gordon bennett-pink barred ,and many more though he claims an open page to everyone that is a lie he only lets you on if you are a buddy , yes man , agree with all he says.
that is the reason i have brought his post here and replied to it.we will have to wait and see if and where he replys. then drag it over to here .

Robert Black, missing children and the VIP paedophile connection BY THECOLEMANEXPERIENCE JANUARY 13, 2016

Robert Black, missing children and the VIP paedophile connection

Genette Tate

Child-killer Robert Black has apparently died in prison of ‘natural causes‘,

According to the Mirror, he was due to be quizzed about the murder of paper-girl Genette Tate, who disappeared in 1978.

Robert BlackGenette

Sources claim that Robert Black may have known Jimmy Savile, who in turn knew notorious killers, Fred West and Peter Sutcliffe.

sutcliffe savile

Savile was also close to Myra Hindley and Ian Brady,

Were these murderers working alone, or were they part of a wide-scale paedophile ring, charged with procuring children to be abused and murdered by VIP filth?

Savile SatanFred WestBrady and HindleyRIP Keith Bennet

An independent investigation into the Genette Tate found there were elements of satanism and ritual abuse but these were ignored by police.

In 2014 we published the following post:

” The horrific child abuse and murder scandal linked to the BBC, Parliament and Royalty shows no sign of abating.

This excellent article by T. Stokes gives a chilling insight into the depraved and satanic world of the filthy British Establishment and how it links to the abuse and disappearance of thousands of vulnerable children in care.

” British police ran Operation Arundel which was to grow into Operation Ore and later to Operation Radium, Arundel was a cleanup of the pop music scene, many of those who became early DJs were there to sexually exploit teenagers, in almost every case boys at teen discos and later from care homes.

Chris Denning, Joe Meek, Allan “fluff” Freeman, Jonathan King, Bill Goldsmith, Jimmy Saville, Brian Epstein and other heterophobic as were complicit in enticing boys into sex acts and to parties where they were given drinks and drugs then molested.


Some boys were still at school and some were the androgynous scooter riding teenage lads on motor scooters called Mods, which the DJs called ” nancy boys”.

Operation Ore explored this sordid interest into new realms including politics, especially Peter Mandelson and Tony Blair’s New Labour, so damaging was this shaping to be for the New labour cabinet that Blair used the D-Notice system to sweep it all under the secrecy carpet.

Blair Cover UpChild Killer Mirror Headline

For the final sweep in Operation Radium, we owe a big debt of thanks to ex-Chief Constable of Cambridge Julie Spence who ignored political correctness to close 119 migrant brothels in the Cambs, Lincs and the Norfolk areas, releasing women and boys from the awfully sordid lifestyle.

The Russian mafia is extremely active in the general area and imports in youngsters who are forced into prostitution and sometimes killed.

Because the Queens estate is at nearby Sandringham Norfolk, the Royal protection officers had some input and I am grateful for some of the info given here and from Scallywag magazine, the underground student newspaper Raoul’s, and workers at News International which as they said “should really be in the public domain” plus London social workers who spoke out along with a retired police doctor who was seriously hassled by a Gay pressure group.

Prince Andy PaedoJill Dando Daily Star HeadlinePrinceCharles -Savile

So while all 3 operations were loosely intertwined, one thread ran through them all, the care homes scandal which has always gone on and is nothing new and is often related to freemasonry/the occult/black magic sacrifice.

Edward Paisnell “the beast of Jersey “was the Satanist who terrorised boys into keeping quiet about what was being done to them over many years at the Haut De la Garenne children’s home.

Jersey Satanic Horrors

Children were tortured, sexually abused and at times killed, the only time this stopped according to Christian News reporter Michael Newman was when the Germans ruled the Island in WWII where any homosexual acts would be punished severely, and the word was perpetrators would be hung in the market square.

Literally hundreds of mainly boys go missing from care homes each year and many “snuff” movies bought at boot fairs are said to be made of various ritual sacrificial slayings.

The passage in Leviticus 53:2-5 then God said; “take your only son Isaac, whom you love and go to the region of Moriah, sacrifice him there as a burnt-offering on one of the mountains” that the Jews of the Old Testament did sacrifice children there can be no doubt as confirmed by Rabbi Teitelbaum and many others.

Greville Janner

The huge numbers of children going missing each year in the UK and never found, suggest just how big this problem is.

VishalMissing Martin Allen

William Mcgrath was housemaster at Kincora boys home and was in the same huge sex ring as Ex-Prime Minister Edward Heath, Edward Parnell, Nicholas Rabet, Sydney Cooke, Neil Hocquart, Tom Driberg ,Sir Anthony Blunt and grand masonic master Sir Knox Cunningham, Blunts close friend.

Kincora filth

Neil Hocquart who blackmailed old single men to make him beneficiary in their wills, died mysteriously during investigations and from him police found Walter Clack also known as William Clack and Wallace Crake who had massive files of child porn who also died before justice could be served.

Clack had links to the Jersey care home and to Islington care homes and to bigwigs in the Evangelical church in Norfolk, Clack had lived in Cambridgeshire and had known Anthony Blunt in the fifties.

Jason Swift

Special Branch has photographs of boys bound and gagged in the back of a van off to a “party” on the Isle of Wight, the photos were said to be taken in the 1990s, no one was ever charged for these offences, but child killer Fred West did say that several missing kids would be found there.

Labour party operative Tom Driberg was a member of several rings, his British MI5 file was numbered as 2573 and was listed as a PF or “personal file ” he was alleged to have partaken in child sacrifices with Aleister Crowley, his file was later changed to a PP file and these came under Victor Fergusons section GI, both were intel informers.

Lambeth abuse enquiry

Dr Alexander Cannon at the Colney Hatch Hospital treated many in public office for disturbed sexualities long before the Maudsley Hospital took over with experts like Ruth Sieffert and Joyce McDougal.

Documents presented in the Operation Arundel’s court case against DJ. Jonathan King, were that he invited back boys from the Walton Hop club, and would also drive around in his Rolls Royce outside schools enticing boys into the car to help him with a pop quiz, he had a secret ‘fantasy room’, a large rectangular suite in his Bayswater mansion bedecked in lush black leather sofas, large swastika flags hung ceremoniously from ceiling to floor.

Although Jewish he had commissioned elaborately faked photo blow-ups of himself in SS uniform, shaking hands with Hitler, he also screened 16mm projections of Nazi films which seemed to excite him.

Jonathan King filth

Boys were told if they mentioned to anyone what had happened the police it would be told they had taken drugs and would be in serious trouble.

So the boys in the main kept quiet, one report shown to me said these DJs were regular visitors to the 12 London care homes and boys taken out were known as “the sweety boys” as they always came back with sweets.

Margaret Hodge (Oppenheimer ) was the children’s minister who was accused of hiding up the child abuse scandal, she was alleged to be close friends with Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson and Jonathan King.”

Mandelson and Hodge

How very strange indeed.

Robert Black was imprisoned for the deaths of many girls.


It’s highly likely he was no lone wolf but was in fact yet another player in Britain’s vast and murderous paedophile network.

Is there more to his most convenient death than meets the eye?

We haven’t got a bloody clue.

Have you.

tomie jones says-showbiz ,politics, religion, royalty rich and famous.paedophilia, rape, sexual abuse, child abuse, they get away with murder, as the expression the heat is on so to speak many have gone to Europe BOUGHT VILLAS IN SPAIN as max Clifford did, his mistake was going back and forth to Britain,the police arrested him one of these times and was charged,he languishes in gaol now. There are those who live in Europe,  SPAIN, Marbella or Portugal Lisboa, Morocco well little boys and girls abound here to more than satisfy the lust and deviant practices of these old  evil depravers.They are not immune to arrest by the British police, it is just more costly, time-consuming to get them extradited ,when there are still more than enough to deal with in Britain.Though if you wish to evade the law what you do is move to the west indies and become a national of the island you choose to live on.No extradition treaty with the UK,safe and sound as long as you stay there. Is there some who have done this, we have not a clue but it would be more than a “SUMMER HOLIDAY”


Oxygene thief, child rapist and murderer Robert Black is dead .

One less piece of excrement for us taxpayers to worry about

The serial killer abducted and murdered 4 little girls , one kidnapping and one attempted kidnapping on two other girls all between 1981 and 1986

Black was also suspected of more kidnappings and unsolved murders throughout the Uk and Europe..

His ‘ style’ was snatching little girls when they were alone outdoors .. little Sarah was going to the corner shop for her mum..

Black was eventually arrested in 1990 when a member of the public witnessed an attempted kidnap

A murderous paedophile rarely strikes once…or even twice….they attack and kill over and over until they are either caught or they die.

Had Madeleine been the true victim of abduction it would be by the likes of someone like Black..

Madeleines ‘ abductor’ was certainly daring… his speed and agility were remarkable…being able to enter premises , lift a child from her bed and leave again leaving NO trace of his presence is no mean feat….No forensics…..Like he wasnt there at all actually….and all in less than 5 mins

Almost like he was well practised and confident in this method of sourcing his victims

Madeleines ‘ abductor’ has also managed to so far escape the clutches of the very efficient PJ and the ‘ mighty’ Scotland Yard..

He must be laughing and congratulating himself on his ability at fooling not one….but two police forces

Remarkable therefore that he hasnt got cocky with it and struck over and over , targeting holidaying families in and around the scores of European resorts

He got away with it before…Why not do it again ?

Black couldnt help himself…his lust and depravity drove him to keep kidnapping and killing

Madeleines ‘ abductor’ has remarkable self control it seems

How very fortunate for him also that every piece of the compelling incriminating evidence logged in the official Police Files points straight towards his victims parents

Helen Mcvey's photo.
Helen Mcvey's photo.
































































































Prince Charles, David Cameron and the paedophile Peter Ball cover-up

Charles and Peter Ball

We all know Prince Charles loves to befriend child-rapists.

Quite why he enjoys the company of vile paedophilic filth is a complete and utter mystery.

savile cuntPrinceCharles -Savile

If his close relationship with murderous VIP pimp Jimmy Savile wasn’t bad enough, we now find him embroiled in the sickening abuse case of Bishop Peter Ball.

The raping Bishop was jailed in October after years of abusing youngsters .

He was able to get away with his crimes because, just as in the case of Savile , he was protected by friends in high places who were no doubt sharing in his sordid practices.

According to the Telegraph,  a whole cohort of members of the British establishment came to Ball’s defence and appear to have committed perjury in the process, including the godfather of our own necrophiliac PM, David Cameron:

” A Freedom of Information request by the Telegraph has led to the release of the letters written by some high profile figures in his support, they include former Lord Justice Anthony Lloyd, former Archbishop of Canterbury Donald Coggan and David Cameron’s late godfather Tory MP Tim Rathbone, who gave Mr Cameron his first work experience in the House of Commons.

Mr Rathbone, who died from cancer in 2002, aged 69, wrote that he found it “literally inconceivable” that Ball would ever become involved with anyone in the way described.

Anthony Lloyd, who was a Lord Justice at the time, described Ball as a “saint” in one of more than 2,000 letters sent to the Crown Prosecution Service and Gloucestershire Police in his support from acquaintances.

“He is quite simply the most gentle, upright and saintly man I have ever met,” he wrote.

“If there is a latter day St Francis, then Peter Ball is him.”

Margaret Thatcher’s former Chief Whip Tim Renton MP said any criminal action against Ball was “far too great a punishment”.


Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Donald Coggan, who died aged 90 in 2000, had ordained Ball in 1977 and said he held him in the “highest regard and respect”.

He wrote: “I have seen a good deal of excellent qualities in his work. I have known him as a godly man, totally devoted to his church. He has had an unblemished record.”

Headteachers from some of the country’s top private schools, including Lancing College and Radley College, Oxford, also wrote in his support.

Mr Justice Wilkie, sitting at the Old Bailey, jailed Ball for two years and eight months for his offending in October.

Ball was first reported to Gloucester Police by novice monk Neil Todd and others in 1992.

But no charges were brought against him after police received supportive telephone calls from “many dozens of people- including MPs, former public school headmasters, Jps and the Lord Chief Justice”, the court heard.

It was also revealed that there had been “two thousand letters of support…including letters from cabinet ministers and Royal Family”.

The member of the Royal family was not named by Ball’s barrister.

A retired bishop has been arrested by police investigating historic allegations of child sex abuse in the Church of England. The Rt Rev Peter Ball  Photo: BBC

Today the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said: “In the matter of Bishop Peter Ball the CPS has not received any correspondence nor seen any correspondence to others from any member of the Royal family.”

On its decision to release some of the letters, it added: “Whilst we appreciate some embarrassment may be caused by the release of these letters we believe this is outweighed by the public interest in accountability under their respective titles.”

While Ball has in his past described Prince Charles as “a loyal friend”, a spokesman for Clarence House said: “”The Prince of Wales made no intervention in the judicial process on behalf of Peter Ball.”

The court has previously heard how the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey had personally contacted the CPS about the case in 1993.

Ball accepted a caution for indecency in 1993 and resigned his position as Bishop of Lewes.

He then became the tenant of a Duchy of Cornwall cottage.

Once there he was given permission to officiate as priest for six months in the Diocese of Truro in 1995, which was extended for three years by the then Archbishop Carey from September 1995.

Reverend Graham Sawyer, the vicar of Briercliffe, in Burnley, was abused by Ball in the 1980s.

He has attacked the Establishment in light of the support received by Ball in 1993.

“It is terribly sad he was not prosecuted in 1993 and it has not served anyone well,” he told the Telegraph.

“There needs to be a full investigation.

“Unfortunately the Establishment in this country is still strong and the relationship between the church and the establishment needs to be looked at.

“We cannot allow the Establishment to collaborate in this way, it is not fit for purpose.”

In 2008 the Church reviewed the case and in 2012 referred it to Sussex Police, who reopened the investigation which saw him arrested and charged.

Ball attempted to avoid justice by pleading unfit to stand trial, and argued his role as a bishop was not a “public office” he finally admitted his years of offending this year.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault and misconduct in public office between 1977 and 1992, while he was Bishop of Lewes.

Ball groomed 18 vulnerable victims to commit acts of “debasement” in the name of religion, such as praying naked at the altar and encouraging them to submit to beatings.

He told many of them he would not approve their applications to become priests unless they participated.

Victims said he used “power and control” to manipulate them and said they had looked up to him and regarded him as “a living saint”.

Mr Justice Wilkie told him he had misused his position to “persuade selected individuals to commit or submit to acts of physical or sexual debasement under the guise of being part of their austere regime of devotion when they were not”.

If that wasn’t bad enough, we know that Prince’ love-a-paedo’ Charles also offered his fullest support and sanctuary to the vile Ball.

In 2013 we wrote the following post:

” We all know Prince Charles loves to befriend paedophiles.

His sordid chums include filthy child-rapist Jimmy Savile, perverted guru Sai Baba and vile science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke.

SavileCharlesJim and DiSavile Satan

It now transpires that Charles is close pals with yet another child abuser, the retired Bishop of Gloucester, Peter Ball

So close in fact that he even gave refuge to the pervert and provided him with a luxurious home.

According to the Guardian:

”  Detectives investigating complaints of sexual abuse in the Church of England have arrested a retired bishop on suspicion of eight sexual offences against eight boys and young men ranging in age from 12 to early 20s.

Officers from the Sussex police serious crime directorate involved in a six-month investigation into historic allegations at the diocese of Chichester arrested the Rt Rev Peter Ball, former bishop of Lewes and later bishop of Gloucester, on Tuesday morning at his home address near Landport, Somerset.

Ball is thought to be the most senior figure in the church to be arrested in connection with a sex abuse investigation. The bishop, now 80, has connections to Prince Charles, whom he has described in the past as “a loyal friend“.

The ‘ People’  reported on Charles and the Bishop in 1998:

” The mother of a trainee monk who was sexually-abused by a Bishop has slammed Prince Charles for giving refuge to the perverted priest.

Angry Mary Todd said:

“This man ruined my son’s life. He is pure evil, a beast, and he’s hiding behind God.”

Disgraced Peter Ball quit as Bishop of Gloucester after being cautioned by police for indecently assaulting 17-year-old Neil Todd.

Despite being an old friend of Prince Charles, Princess Diana banned him from visiting their Highgrove home after the 1993 sex scandal.

But now the prince has provided the bespectacled cleric with a grace- and-favour mansion on his Duchy of Cornwall estate in Somerset.

Ball, 65, who pays a small rent, confirmed this week:

“He has been wonderfully kind and allowed me to have a Duchy house.

“The prince is a loyal friend. I have immense admiration for him, he has been through horrific times and is a great person.”

Neil left the church after telling how Ball forced him to perform sex acts as they lay naked in bed together.

Other time he had to take ice-cold, early-morning showers while reading the Bible.

Then they stood naked side-by-side reciting psalms in front of a figure of Christ.

Ball escaped with a police caution despite statements from other young men who claimed to have suffered at his hands.

He went to ground and was believed to have moved in with his twin brother Michael, the Bishop of Truro.


But Charles, who attended his enthronement as Bishop, offered him a “substantial” detached house with a garden near Taunton.

Last night Mary, from Nottingham, said:

“This is quite unbelievable. I don’t know what Prince Charles thinks he is doing.

“The man ruined my son’s life and should have been locked away.

“Instead he now lives in luxury on one of the finest estates in the country.

“I don’t feel Ball was ever properly punished – but the fact that the prince has given sanctuary to this pervert is staggering.

“I believe in the Royals and support what they do, but Charles needs to look at the facts before housing someone like that.

“What if it had been one of his kids? This is staggering and unreal.”

It really is high time the Met Police hauled Charles in for questioning over what he knows about Britain’s  VIP paedophile ring

We sure he’d be only too delighted to help.





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23 thoughts on “Prince Charles, David Cameron and the paedophile Peter Ball cover-up”

  1. “I believe in the Royals and support what they do, but Charles needs to look at the facts before housing someone like that.”

    Neil’s mother and the many others who “believe in the Royals” now need to start accepting things as they really are. It’s sad that these high society, born-privileged, vulgar beings abuse the trust placed in them by so many good hearted people but it’s up to the people now to see the truth.

  2. Hi Coleman,

    Notice the slight of hand here called the TITLE game:

    “The Prince of Wales made no intervention in the judicial process on behalf of Peter Ball.”

    I bet the “The Prince of Wales” didn’t intervene, but what price Charles Windsor intervened???????

  3. 2,000 letters of support ffs? …. from whom? I shudder just reading that … their vile and rotten tentacles are many.

  4. Was Peter Ball intentionally mocking Jesus/God through the use of inverted/debased rituals? If yes, is Ball a practitioner of satanism or some other occult ‘religion’?

    – “Ball groomed 18 vulnerable victims to commit acts of ‘debasement’ in the name of religion, such as praying naked at the altar”

    – “Other times he had to take ice-cold, early-morning showers while reading the Bible. Then they stood naked side-by-side reciting psalms in front of a figure of Christ”

    No doubt there are more individuals still to be identified who suspected what Ball was doing but opted to stay silent, thereby enabling him to continue abusing.

  5. And whaddayaknow? They’re about to air an ‘isn’t Prince Charles a luvverly bloke/national treasure/avuncular old fool’ piece on Monday the 4th Jan 9pm ITV1 as part of the damage limitation exercise…They’ve been hyping it for months..
    Might work on the Sun readers I s’pose?

  6. The Mail on Sunday reports that police are investigating Harvey Proctor’s years as a student at the UNIVERSITY OF YORK.

    Why might this be?

    Several Tories — mutual allies for decades — all face allegations of sexual abuse, and several of them are connected to one another by YORK, as well as by far-Right wing societies such as the now-defunct ‘Monday Club’.

    Quite possibly, officers on Operation Midland suspect the members of this long-standing Tory ‘gang’ of conspiring to commit crimes of sexual abuse and cover-up.

    The close-knit gang of mates reportedly includes:

    – Harvey Proctor
    – Michael Brown
    – Derek Laud
    – Neil & Christine Hamilton
    – John Whittingdale
    – David Cameron & Samantha Cameron

    Past media reports allege:

    Harvey Proctor formed a friendship at the UNIVERSITY OF YORK with fellow Tory MICHAEL BROWN who is alleged by Scallywag magazine to be a child rapist.

    – Michael Brown would later form a friendship with fellow Tory MICHAEL PORTILLO who is alleged by Scallywag magazine to be a child rapist.

    – Michael Brown would later move into a home near Dolphin Square with Tory ‘fixer’ DEREK LAUD who is alleged by Scallywag magazine to be a child rapist.

    Harvey Proctor formed a friendship at the UNIVERSITY OF YORK with another fellow Tory, CHRISTINE HAMILTON (or Holman, as she then was).

    – Christine went on to marry fellow Tory NEIL HAMILTON whom Mohamed Al Fayed has labelled a “homosexual prostitute” and user of “rent boys” of indeterminate age.

    – The Hamiltons and Derek Laud are close friends & business partners. Laud provided an alibi for the Hamiltons when Nadine Milroy-Sloan alleged that the Hamiltons raped her.

    Harvey Proctor invited fellow Tory ENOCH POWELL to address a student meeting at the UNIVERSITY OF YORK. Reportedly, Powell may have been involved in satanic ritual abuse.

    8 miles from York is the family home of Sir Reginald Sheffield, father of the Prime Minister’s wife.

    – Derek Laud has boasted at length of his friendship with David and Samantha Cameron stretching back decades.

  7. The truth stands proud….it is a beacon of light, into the darkness and finding the culprits one by one. It isn’t going away it is standing up for scrutiny. We will see them rounded up and their crimes laid bare. This cannot go on. Coleman exposing this Satanic Cult hiding behind respect and honour, all falling down and witnessed.

  8. MORE NAMES BEFRIENDED BY PRINCE CHARLES – WORTH TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT,-Laurens-van-der-Post,-and-Eric-Gill.html (Scroll down to entry No 3 – He talks to the dead, not his plants) (Scroll down to Gardens – note the last paragraph re Busts. This is the garden where Prince Charles built The Sanctuary)

    Definition of Sanctuary – refuge or safety from pursuit, persecution, or other danger

    Definition of Sacred – connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose so deserving veneration (Note reference to Tavistock Clinic, believe this clinic has been connected with Mind Control techniques. Patients included Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales)

    forum.davidicke.comshowthread.php?t=222773&page=3661 (Jimmy Savile/Ted Hughes/Queen Mother

    “AS FAR AS WE ARE CONCERNED THERE IS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE”!! html (Note reference to The Sanctuary and the involvement of Peter Ball) News.html (Scroll to entry dated 27/03/2014) (Which David Owen is this?)

  9. All these religious figures , are friends with the royals , Justin welby baptised Princess charlotte , now who is she does she in fact exist ?

  10. THE SECRETS OF THE WINDSORS AND OTHERS (Believe the list has now grown to 50+ questions) (Believe there are further parts to this article)

    PARK CLARIFICATION,_Yorkshire,_8th_Baronet,_Viscountess_Astor

  11. And this is the same as what We are going through with the catholic Church ⛪ and the Royal Commission in Australia, And it will be people Power and the Power of Victims who will bring Them Down to the Justice they Deserve. Hilly

Americans Against Genocide In Gaza (AAGG).

The video, where the disabled Palestinian young man got killed In COLD blood by ZIONIST Egypt. The sea FULL with blood cry emoticon
Alberto Smith Saravia wrote:
Egyptian soldiers shot and killed a young mentally-ill Palestinian man swimming in the sea off Rafah, despite Gazan security yelling to them that the man was impaired. He crossed only feet into Egyptian territory and was clearly not doing ANYTHING except swim – he was naked, for goodness sake – but that was enough to kill him for. The Egyptians have learned much from their Zionist masters….



45th president of the u s a SANDERS OR TRUMP?

President Bernie Sanders

Image from

The nearest candidate to JEREMY CORBYN BRITISH LABOUR PARTY LEADER. Who I might add has the tories running scared in Britain ,oh and one brain dead ejit who is not even British ,nationality second generation migrant born in Ireland.NATIONALITY ZIONIST  JEW HOMELAND IZRAHELL
His American candidate is
Josiah Samuel Fordahl's photo.
that republican mindless idiot DONALD TRUMP.THEY ACTUALLY MAKE A GOOD PAIR.So who is going to be right ?

Russell Simmons's photo.

BernardBernieSanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician and the junior United States Senator from Vermont. A Democrat as of 2015,[5] he had been the longest-serving independent in U.S. Congressional history. Sanders has been the ranking minority member on theSenate Budget Committee since January 2015.[6] He is a candidate forPresident of the United States in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Sanders was born and raised in the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City. He graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964. While a student, Sanders was a member of the Young People’s Socialist League and an activecivil rights protest organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality and theStudent Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.[7][8] In 1963, he participated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom where Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.[7]

After settling in Vermont in 1968, Sanders ran unsuccessful third-partycampaigns for governor and U.S. senator in the early to mid-1970s. As an independent, he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont’s most populous city, in 1981. He was reelected three times. In 1990, he was elected to represent Vermont’s at-large congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1991, Sanders co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus. He served as a congressman for 16 years before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006. In 2012, he was reelected by a large margin, capturing almost 71% of the popular vote.

Sanders has long been critical of U.S. foreign policy, and was an early and outspoken opponent of the Iraq War. He rose to national prominence following his 2010 filibuster[9][10] against the proposed extension of the Bush tax cuts. A self-described socialist[11][12] and democratic socialist,[17] Sanders favors policies similar to those of social democratic parties in Europe, particularly those instituted by the Nordic countries.[21] He is a leadingprogressive voice on issues such as income inequality,[14] universal healthcare, parental leave, climate change,[22] LGBT rights, and campaign finance reform.[23] He is also outspoken on civil rights and civil liberties, and has been particularly critical of mass surveillance policies such as the USA PATRIOT Act,[24] the NSA surveillance programs,[25] and racial discrimination in the criminal justice system.




JoJo Stubbs's photo.
JoJo Stubbs

They don’t teach you this at school just History ~ Once you start to educate yourselves you will soon discover that it is in fact your Governments that are the Terrorists, Bankers and Illuminati Puppets

BRITIAN 12 things you should know about the Tory Tax Credit cuts

12 things you should know about the Tory Tax Credit cuts

Despite making numerous pre-election public assurances that they wouldn’t be slashing Tax Credits, the Tories have been trying to push through £4.4 billion in Tax Credit cuts that will impoverish some 3 million working families.

In this article I’m going to run though twelve issues related to the Tories attempts to slash Tax Credits for the working poor like they promised that they wouldn’t.

The pre-election lies

The fact that Tories like David Cameron and Michael Gove blatantly lied to the public about not having plans to slash Tax Credits to working families is an issue of fundamental importance.

It shouldn’t matter whether you believe the cuts are necessary or not, you should surely be furious that the Conservatives lied their way into power, and that the bulk of the mainstream media are once again letting them get away with it.

What faith can the general public have in the political system when they can see such obvious examples of politicians lying their way into power, and suffering no consequences whatever for their appalling dishonesty?

“Hardworking people”
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David Cameron and the Tories have been pushing the Orwellian “war is peace” style propaganda narrative that they are the party for “hardworking people”, but this economic assault on millions of working families is yet another demonstration that they don’t actually give a damn about ordinary working people.

It should be obvious to everyone that the Tories are not on the side of ordinary working people. Just follow the money – the vast majority of donations to the Tory party come from multi-millionaires, bankers, private health companies and the the inherited wealth aristocracy. Why on earth would the super-rich minority fund a political party in order for it to favour the interests of ordinary working people over their own? In what way would that make sense?

The Tories fake “living wage”

What is the usual response of habitual liars when they get caught out? Is it to admit they were wrong to lie and apologise, or is it to double-down with even more lies?

I guess it’s little surprise to most people that David Cameron has chosen to double-down with even more lies to justify his economic attack on millions of working families. Neither is it surprising that he’s so confident that the mainstream press will let him get away with it that he’s even prepared to lie in parliament.

“what our proposals do are reform welfare and at the same time bring in a national living wage” David Cameron, 16th September 2015, PMQs [source].

Everyone knows that the Tories are trying to push through the Tax Credit cuts now, while their fake “living wage” is going to be slowly phased in over the course of the parliament, which means that Cameron’s claim that the living wage is being introduced “at the same time” as the cuts is yet another lie.

One obvious factor to consider is that if the Tories did significantly increase the minimum wage right now, then the Tax Credits bill would fall dramatically as a consequence because fewer families would be suffering working poverty and relying on Tax Credits to top up their poverty wages. But the Tories have no intention of doing it that way because that would load the economic burden of reducing the Tax Credit bill onto their corporate backers, not onto the working poor.


Just imagine the levels of contempt that the Tory party have for ordinary working people that they think they can tell blatant pre-election lies to us, try to con us into believing that they support “hardworking people” as they simultaneously impoverish millions of working families, and then try to fob us off with even more lies about how their fake “living wage” is going to mitigate the harm they are doing, when it’s blatantly obvious that it won’t because the cuts are being imposed long before the paltry increases in the minimum wage take effect.

In light of this cruel economic assault on the working poor, every single time we hear a Tory politician talking about“hardworking people”  from now on we should be thinking about how much utter contempt they must hold us in to expect us to mindlessly accept such obviously counter-factual propaganda.

The children

Independent studies have shown that millions of families are going to be made significantly worse off as a result of the Tory Tax Credit cuts, and that some 200,000 children (predominantly from working families) will be pushed below the poverty line next year as a result.

What the Tories are undeniably doing is imposing economic sanctions on hundreds of thousands of children for the“crime” of being born into working poor families.

The impoverishment of so many children highlights the absolute callousness of David Cameron saying that he’s“delighted” that his MPs voted through George Osborne’s economic assault on the working poor.

The economic damage
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Impoverishing poor people in order to “save the economy” makes no sense from a macroeconomic perspective. It’s a well established fact that poor people tend to spend a much higher proportion of their incomes on consumption than the very rich (who save a higher percentage of their incomes, and are much more likely to stash their cash in offshore tax-dodging setups).

You don’t have to know the specific term for this phenomenon is called the Marginal Propensity to Consume to understand that taking thousands of pounds away from millions of families is certain to have a negative knock on effect on the amount of demand for goods and services in the wider economy.

It’s absolutely clear that nobody who understands rudimentary macroeconomics could support impoverishing the working poor as a tactic for improving the economy, so there must be a different agenda. I’ll get to what that agenda is later in the article.


Ever since the rise of Margaret Thatcher in the 1970s the Tories have harped on endlessly about how much they love entrepreneurship, yet these Tax Credits cuts are blatantly an attack on the entrepreneurial working poor who are trying to establish their own small businesses in such tough economic times.

One of the big criticisms of the Tax Credits system is the way that it allows unscrupulous employers to boost their profits by paying poverty wages to their staff, safe in the knowledge that the taxpayer will step in and make up the shortfall. However, things aren’t completely black and white. Tax Credits aren’t just a subsidy to greedy employers, they’re a form of subsidy for entrepreneurs who invest their efforts in trying to set up their own businesses.

This kind of subsidy for small independent businesses is a form of Infant Industry Protection, which takes the form of assistance for small businesses to help them compete against the economic advantage larger more established companies have due to things like economies of scale and brand awareness.

It’s common knowledge that many successful businesses struggled to make significant profits in their first few years of operation (due to high capital investment costs, lack of product awareness and small initial customer bases). This means that helping small business owners out with Tax Credits is a way of promoting entrepreneurship, and slashing Tax Credits is a form of dissuading entrepreneurship.

Frontloading Austerity

Anyone who knows anything about economics knows thatideological austerity is bad for the economy. Just look at the graph to the right. It clearly shows that George Osborne’s own pet thinktank the OBR have always accepted that ideological austerity is bad for economic growth.

Anyone who knows the economic basics knows that ideological austerity is bad for growth, the OBR know that ideological austerity is bad for growth, and the Tories know that ideological austerity is bad for growth. This is why the Tories frontloaded their harshest austerity measures at the beginning of the 2010-2015 parliament, and why they’re frontloading even more damaging ideological austerity at the beginning of the 2015-2020 parliament.

The Tories are playing the age old game of hitting the “lower orders” with harsh economic sanctions at the beginning of the parliament, then easing back towards the end of it, in the hope that people will be so relieved to be able to breathe properly for a while, that they’ll completely forget who has been standing on their necks the whole time and flock off to the polling stations to vote Tory.

Undermining social mobility

It’s absolutely clear that reducing the spending power of the people who are most likely to spend their incomes on consumption is not a policy that is aimed at promoting economic growth, so the question has to be what is the real reason the Tories are so intent on impoverishing millions of working poor families?

In my view it’s pretty obvious. The Tories hate social mobility and hate the idea of “the lower orders” working their way up from the bottom. They want to reserve the wealth for them and theirs and they certainly don’t want a load of “uppity plebs”working their way out of poverty to challenge for the wealth the Tory class feel they have an unique entitlement to.

This Tory plan to impoverish millions of working poor families and stamp out entrepreneurship amongst the non-monied classes is not the only example of the Tories erecting deliberate social mobility barriers. Just look at the way they tripled tuition fees to ensure that students from poor and ordinary backgrounds are lumbered with huge (often completely unpayable) debts for the “crime” of aspiring to better themselves, while the children of the wealthy establishment progress through life without having to pay a 9% aspiration tax on their disposable income because their daddy paid their tuition fees upfront.

Constitutional issues

After the House of Lords crippled David Cameron’s economic assault on the working poor we were treated to one of the most bizarrely hypocritical spectacles in the history of British politics, namely a load of Tory politicians whinging on about the unelected nature of the House of Lords!

Let’s not forget that not only did the Tory party completely scupper the Lib-Dem plan to introduce a bit of democracy to the House of Lords during the last parliament, but also that David Cameron has already added a staggering 187 new unelected peers to the already bloated House of Lords, meaning he’s been adding unelected peers at a faster rate than any Prime Minister in history, and the unelected House of Lords is now the second largest legislative assembly in the whole world after China’s People’s National Congress!

As much as the Tories are whinging on about how terrible it is that the House of Lords dared to vote to amend a Statutory Instrument, it’s beyond obvious that the real constitutional issue here must be the fact that the Tories completely lied about having no plans to slash Tax Credits in order to cheat their way into power.

Are members of the public really going to get more upset that the House of Lords went against the obscure informal convention that they don’t make amendments to Statutory Instruments, than they are about the fact that the Statutory Instrument in question is something that the government gave explicit pre-election public guarantees that they weren’t going to do?

Seriously, which is most important constitutional issue? The House of Lords going against an obscure informal convention, or the government believing that they can get away with blatantly lying to the public?

What will the opposition do?

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been doing a fairly good job so far by chipping away at David Cameron over the pre-election lies he told about not planning to slash Tax Credits, and the fact that these cuts are going to impoverish millions of the “hardworking families” that Cameron pretends to give a damn about. However I think more can be done.

The fundamental issue here is that the Conservatives lied to the electorate, and if the opposition parties were to work together they could force the Tories into supporting a totally untenable position.

The opposition parties could get their heads together to come up with proposals for some kind of “Integrity in Politics Charter” with the aim of preventing politicians from telling pre-election lies. If the Tories were to oppose it in parliament, they’d be seen to be defending the right they think they have to lie to the public.

I’m not going to say what should be in this integrity charter other than some means of making pre-election manifesto commitments and promises legally binding (barring certain predetermined exceptional circumstances). It’s not my job to write proposed legislation, so I’m just throwing the idea out there because such a move from the combined opposition parties would have the potential to back the Tories into an impossible corner where they would be forced to repeatedly defend their presumed right to tell outright lies to the public.

If you think the opposition parties proposing some kind of integrity charter is a good idea, how about you write to your local political representatives to suggest the idea, or contact representatives of some of the opposition parties to suggest they get their heads together on the idea.


As a final point I’d like to put the scale of the cuts into perspective. While the Tories have been insisting that there is no alternative to slashing £4.4 billion in Tax Credit support to the working poor because of the economy, the estimated price tag for replacing the Trident nuclear programme has been quietly raised from £100 billion to £167 billion.

The idea that we need to thrust millions of working families deeper into poverty to save £4.4 billion is an affront to decency when the price tag for a bunch of ludicrous doomsday machines that nobody in their right mind would ever use has just been increased by £67 billion.

God save the Queen: long may she reign as she and her family lubricate Britain’s The criminal record of Britain’s longest reigning monarch and her royal family.

Tomie jones says-you see this is why there is a fully armed Isis, why there are thousands of refugees from syria.oh israel and the U S helped to arm Isis originally as well. So we arm equip them then we try to destroy the monster we created all good business for the arms trade,DID THE SAME WITH Iraq
and Afghanistan.

Our irish friends across the sea one in particular has been going on about the british taking refugees. perhaps he would like to tell us all what Ireland is doing?seems to have a new alias prince alex.posting comments he says ,.

 Prince Alexander But these are the wonderful people that all the liberals want in the EU and UK …. I am sure they will turn a blind eye to this and continue their stupidity and believe that all theres so called war refugees are nice people … before you know it you will have a ISIS base in your nearest British or European towns …. well we could already be too late as speak!
  • Maurice Boland-When so called clerics like Anjem Choudary continue to preach hatred but live off UK benefits, who refused to condemn the savage murder of solder Lee Rigby, who continue to condemn British law and insists in the end UK WILL be governed by Sharia law. I suggest we show him this video along with innocent people being burnt alive and then grant him his wishes and send him to live among them instead of wasting tax payers money by imprisoning him and his chums. A possible solution is to take a remote dessert like Asia Gobi desert, wall the whole area off, this wall must be impossible to escape from, then drop the likes of ISIS there and let them enjoy their own state. They can do what the love doing best like beheading, savagery, burning and stoning people alive (No women allowed, meaning no rapes and no new savages) I know most of you will think this mad. Any other suggestions welcome!

    Well it has already been done MAURICE BY ISRAEL ,THE LARGEST CONCENTRATION CAMP IN THE WORLD ,WALLED ALL THE WAY ROUND APART FROM WHERE THE SEA IS. CONTAINING THE REAL CHOSEN CHILDREN OF GOD THE PALESTINIANS SO THE MUSLIMS SAY .So foolish but so dangerous all of you religious freaks , lunatics no lunatics are mentaly ill you lot are just nasty evil people. .

    Maurice Boland's photo.
    between the two of them it seems the fate of the Syrian refugees would be death;Death to innocent children ,death to mothers ,fathers, etcetera.why because these two have hatred in their hearts where compassion should be .MANS INHUMANITY TO HIS FELLOW HUMAN BEING.WHAT LOVELY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE YOU ALL ARE .ALWAYS DONE IN THE NAME OF GOD .whose god which one is the only true god?
Queen fires gun

IN THE YEAR of the Queen’s Jubilee tourists peered as usual
Through the railings of Buckingham Palace,
But her fairy-tale was fading; the fairy queen’s wings were being clipped
By the Sex Pistols putting monarchy in their sights.

“God save the queen,” they sang, “it’s a fascist regime.”
And the song’s hook-line became a new anthem –
Disturbing to clutches of flag-wavers lining the streets,
And horrifying to Middle England and the Daily Mail.

The Sex Pistols proclaimed, “She ain’t no human being,”
And their subversive posters for the record
Placed the band’s salacious name right across the Queen’s lips
Masking her eyes with two spidery swastikas.

They sang, “I don’t believe illusions ‘cos too much is real”.
They accessorized the Queen’s nose with a safety pin
Like a voodoo doll then covered her face with cutout letters,
As if presenting the world with a kidnapper’s note.

‘Oooh no,’ people would say, ‘you can’t have a go at the Queen,’
Sucking their breath in to indicate caution,
‘Oooh no, not the Queen, the Queen’s above politics you see.’
‘They can’t answer back, can they, so it’s not fair.’

Then they’d earnestly claim, ‘It’s in the constitution, isn’t it?’
Forgetting that Britain’s never had such a document –
For the Brits, despite their inordinate pride in their own history,
Can reveal they know less about it than anyone.

The country survives despite its own past not because of it
And its infantile wish for a benign parent above politics
Persuades it to ignore unpleasant facts, such as the sovereign’s endorsing
The very nastiest political act of all, namely killing.

For their sovereign’s dominant role is to inspect
Row after row of the state’s armed forces –
Broken down in training, reconfigured from scratch
And then programmed to kill on command.

The sovereign is crucial to the lubrication of Britain’s wars
By its gulling soldiers into dutifully dying;
Then, after paying homage to such victims of state carnage,
By its encouraging arms-trade profiteering.

Arms-makers and their customers are brought together
At Windsor Castle to be honored with fly-pasts –
Monarchy and military business being intimately connected:
The UK’s ‘Defense Industrial Base’ is a royal brand.

A landowning cabal with its heraldry denoting privilege
Still forms an elite network that stakes out the land,
And retains monarchy as its god to deceive those living here
Whose Common land they once stole and enclosed.

The monarchy’s militarism echoes a time when royalty wasn’t flouted –
When to criticize royalty was treason and when those threatening
The status quo could be seized, and their limbs tied to horses
Which took off in every direction as they were whipped.

On seeing royal victims torn to shreds while still alive,
Royal minions sliced their hearts into sections
Then dispatched them across the country for public display,
As a warning to anyone considering rebellion.

In the past, the brute power of the monarchy was this unrestrained
Whereas now it pretends to more decorum
By dressing in fancy costumes, and awarding itself unearned medals,
And laying wreaths to those dying in its name.

For its politicized charisma still yields a large body-count;
Lives are still culled by its ‘Queen and country’ spell;
Royalty routinely pays its dead subjects with a march-past
When they’re boxed up and returned to where they once lived.

Meanwhile royalty’s own patriotism bears scant inspection:
It being revealed in 1915, in World War One,
That when millions were dying in Flanders for King and Country,
The King himself was tobogganing in St Moritz.

He returned to set a record for shooting Sandringham pheasants
As he cut his annual swathe through its wildlife;
Similarly, in 1939, George VI determined that the war
Shouldn’t “interrupt the grouse season at Balmoral.”

The UK’s military-monarchy-complex is a cynical industry
For which the Queen was groomed by a General Browning
And, likewise, Prince William’s mentor has been Blair’s wartime apparatchik:
The UK’s former man in Washington, David Manning.

“It is Manning who is running the conflict with Iraq.”
Wrote John Kampfner, the author of ‘Blair’s Wars’.
Thus the heir to the heir is being initiated by a prime mover
In Britain’s centuries-long killing sprees.

While all the time royalty profits from arms, due to its Crown Agents
Who tend to its shares in Lockheed, makers of cluster bombs
And nurture bundles of the royal investments in BAE Systems –
In its Depleted Uranium shells and its landmines.

The latest landmines are designed to leap up out of the ground,
Triggered by children playing or walking nearby.
They’ll detonate in mid-air and they’ll sever limbs as bodies fall
While the shareholdings of the super-rich rise.

The Times has claimed the sovereign’s wealth grows yearly by 20m
And in 2010 it announced the Queen “crowned a successful year
For her share portfolio, with a personal fortune totaling £290m”
Though elsewhere others have assessed it in billions.

Yet confronted by the true cost of UK weapons exported abroad,
Namely the Indonesian massacres in East Timor,
Her son Charles said, “If we don’t sell arms to them, someone else will,”
Blithely exposing the monarchy’s moral vacuum.