This from my eyes and ears on the web, Facebook and Blogs

My dear Maurice Its about time you faced up to the truth. I read this the other day on a Facebook posting:

Andrew G**** B**** PÇ****(IT SEEMS TO BE A GAME OF FILL IN THE BLANKS ,LIKE WHEEL OF FORTUNE) SO HERE WE GO  ANDREW GORDON BENNETT PINK ERR CUNT THAT IS THE FIRST  BIT RUDE GOD , U KNOW MIND YOUR LANGUAGE TIMOTHY)in answer to your comment about Tony blair no he is not but we have a weasel named maurice who does the cleaning looks a bit like gobby out of harry potter. oooooh he is real gobby!

This sicko has a blog called the Cir****B***. (CIRCUSBUOY GOD SICKO?¿You are mentioned by name at least twice a day EVERY day. He is a socialmedia stalker who is totally obsessed with you. His jealousy seems to have now spiraled out of control. It is as if YOU are all that matters in his life. He continues to beg you to answer on his page knowing now you never read it. You know the child who has a fantasy friend your this clowns fantasy. Why else does your name continually appear daily on his page. OK GLOVES OFF SERIOUS STUFF  MOSSAD HAS AN AGENDA A SITE WHICH IS THE FLAT EARTH SOCIETY IT DISTRACTS FROM THE ISSUE OF ISREAL AND INSULTS AND DECRYS THOSE THAT POST ABOUT THE PALESTINE SITUATIONDRAGS THESE PEOPLE IN TO THE SUBJECT MATTER FLAT EARTH.Do you see where i am going.back to you god ) He loves insulting by calling you names. These are all characteristics of a stalker

He has no followers , I checked on P765 *** (what page 765 is i do not know sounds like 1984″)He writes to himself using different names like T*** J***.(TOMIE JONES)He is a dreamer, a fantasist. He is destroyed by jealousy oh you always has been and I assume always will be.(THE SENTENCE LOSES ALL UNDERSTANDING HERE HIS EXCUSE IS HE IS DIPSTICKLIP YOU KNOW CANNOT WRITE OR SPELL ,WAIT SLIP THERE GOD WROTE THAT NOT JESUS IT IS JESUS WHO IS DYSLEXIC.OH DEAR MOBO YOU ARE WRITING THIS !)SORRY I HAVE LET THE CAT OUT THE BAG!

He copies and pastes full articles from your blog then changes words to try and make you look silly. If he could I am sure he’d dress like you. (OOOH YES I DO  GOT A 5 EURO WHITE JACKET FROM m&s, a waistcoat with gold chains on always where t shirts you me and alec guinness would look like triplets YOU KNOW THE MAN IN THE WHITE SUIT?

Is he dangerous?(one thing you do not want to do is underestimate me)I don’t think so. Has he got a mental issue? For sure(yes made in your image god ). Is he sad? Very(well not all the time but now i am lost my best friend it really has broke me up , but you would not understand that maurice being the insensitive cruel ,selfish person you are). Its incredible to think its 7 years since you withdrew from public life and yet , as I said, Everyday without fail your name is on his crazed blog.

Just thought I’d let you know. I suppose he’s paying you a huge compliment to write about you EVERY Day! (yes i am ,still would like answers to my questions that you choose to ignore, .YOU SEE THIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF MOSSAD PROPAGANDA DECRY AND DISTRACT



thecolemanexperience | The Clock is Ticking

The Clock is Ticking

Source: thecolemanexperience | The Clock is Ticking

SO we trolls that report the news that does not get reported like the coleman experience, paedophilia, filthy britain well you get the jist.lora lucero on Israel , gaza strip , palestine, we must not forget my good self on conspiracy theories , chem trails , 9/11  jfk,etc. alison is going to work for her masters to control , eliminate , destroy freedom of expression , . I Should think that you Zionist jew chums of british government will really love this move to restrain ,remove our freedom of speech.well alison you may be able to get at those in the british isles but the rest of the network is out of your control . We will not lie down and give in without a fight, here in the rest of the world, the likes of you facist bastards that want control of the conspiracy theoroists are going to have to fight for it, threats of legal action droconian laws will not stop us.Do your worst i personally have nothing to lose . Health and wealth does not exist the only thing you have in your  favour concerning myself is i am in ill health and will die sooner rather than later, SO DO YOUR WORSE.

MUSLIM PALESTINIANS  SERVING THE ZIONIST ISRAELIS IN THE I D F IS NOTHING MORE THAN COLLABORATION WITH THE ENEMY, ZIONIST JEWS ,ZIONIST SETTLERS,BIBI NETANYAHU,ETC. WANT RID OF THE PALESTINIANS DEAD ,ERADICATED.So if and when this is achieved by the zionists what happens to them?The collaborators they will want rid of them as they will have no further use for them .

Think on what did the nazises do to the jewish collaborators who policed the ghettos when the jews were shipped out to death camps?THEY WERE MURDERED AS WELL,SERVED THEIR PURPOSE .

Why the bloody hell hasn’t Alison Saunders been arrested yet?

Alison Saunders

Establishment hag, Alison Saunders, has announced plans to clampdown on online ‘trolls’.

Oh yeah?

What she really means is that her masters have told her to do everything she can to stop social media reporting on VIP paedophiles in power.

Under the guise of protecting the victims of crime,  Saunders is slyly trying to bring in laws to stop Twitter and other sites ‘harassing’ victims and ‘hurting their ‘ feelings’.

Of course, in reality Alison Sunders couldn’t give a fuck about real victims.

She has in fact  spent her legal life as an Establishment ‘gatekeeper’ very much in the same vein as paedophile-lover Esther Rantzen.

satanic slagheapesther savile















ISIS: a Frankenstein monster created by the US and Israel

ISIS: a Frankenstein monster created by the US and Israel

10530882_10203744551993189_3262620492132671210_nISIS isa terrorist organization controlled and financed by the US and Israel in order to destabilize the Middle East and advance Israeli interests. 

They call themselves Islamic State (IS). They pretend to be a new caliphate.

But their behavior is radically un-Islamic… even satanic. And their so-called caliphate is actually a false-flag operation against Islam.

A better acronym would be US (Unislamic State). The initials are apt, since Unislamic State is the creation of the US and its regional allies. Their mission is to smear Islam, spread sectarian strife, destabilize the Middle East, and provide an excuse for endless US intervention in the Islamic world.

Former al-Qaeda commander Nabil Na’eem has exposed Unislamic State as a creation of the US and its Persian Gulf puppets. The intellectual authors of this Fourth Generation Warfare operation are neoconservative Zionists and New World Order satanists. The victims are the people of the Middle East… and the American people, who have been bled dry by the 9/11 wars.

Na’eem has explained that the camps in Jordan where Unislamic State was created, armed, and trained were “supervised by US Marines.” He adds that the group’s funding is “all-American” and that more than one thousand of its terrorists are being treated in hospitals in Tel Aviv.

Unislamic State sponsors sham marriages to disguise liaisons with prostitutes. They rape and murder people purely on the basis of religious belief. They are committing genocide against religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, just as the Zionists are committing genocide in Palestine. They are doing everything possible to make Islam look bad.

This has nothing to do with Islam. It has everything to do with the false-flag-based, 9/11-triggered New World Order war on Islam.

The grotesquely un-Islamic nature of Unislamic State is on display for all the world to see. These people post “selfie” videos cannibalizing the inner organs of battlefield corpses. This is the tradition of Hind – one of the worst-ever enemies of Islam – not the tradition of Islam, which insists on chivalrous battlefield behavior more fervently than any other group in history ever has. (The whole conception of chivalry, or futuwwa, is an Islamic invention that came to the West through al-Andalus, otherwise known as Islamic Spain.)

The terrorists’ most recent youtube outrage: A video showing Unislamic State terrorists slaughtering Kurdish members of the Yazidi faith. The helpless Yazidi civilians are tied up, blindfolded, forced to kneel… and then their throats are cut as the satanic terrorists chant “Allah, accept our (human) sacrifice.”

This behavior is not just un-Islamic. It is satanic.

The word for sacrificial animal in Islam is qurban. Every year during Eid al-Adha, the biggest Islamic holiday, Muslims sacrifice a sheep to commemorate God’s staying the hand of Abraham, who had prepared to sacrifice his son. The Eid holiday celebrates this event, which decisively put an end to human sacrifice for the whole monotheistic tradition of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Calling a human being a qurban, and then cutting his throat, is the most insanely sacrilegious practice anyone could imagine. Any Muslim with a first-grade religious education knows that a person who does such a thing must be a satanist, not a Muslim.

The chief hallmark of satanism is its refusal of monotheism’s decisive rejection of human sacrifice. Whereas the biggest holiday for Christians is Christmas, which celebrates the end of human sacrifice through the birth of the Messiah – and the biggest holiday for Muslims is Eid, which celebrates the abolition of human sacrifice through the story of Abraham and his son – satanists use an assortment of pagan holidays as excuses to sacrifice innocent people, mostly children, at their blood-soaked altars.

When someone claiming to be Muslim conducts a ritual sacrifice of a human qurban, as the Unislamic State terrorists do, they are performing a satanic parody of the Muslim Eid ritual. Such parodies are another hallmark of satanism. Throughout the history of Christendom, satanists have held “black masses” in which the Catholic mass is parodied and victims are sacrificed… just as the Muslim Eid sacrifice is parodied by the Unislamic State terrorists’ slaughter of innocents.

How did this group of satanists posing as “radical Muslims” appear on the scene? Understanding the background of Unislamic State requires a background briefing on the Fourth Generation Warfare techniques of the satanic New World Order elite.

The Western ruling elite is infested with satanists, who are a prime force behind the “war on terror,” which is actually a war on Islam and a war on God. Whistleblower Kay Griggs, the former wife of a US military officer, has documented the satanists’ penetration of the highest levels of the US military. Griggs says her husband forced her to participate in the most disgusting satanic rituals imaginable. She explains that these satanic practices are commonplace among top US military commanders.

One of the main strategists of the Fourth Generation Warfare operation known as the “War on Terror” is Col. Michael Aquino, the former head of all US military psychological warfare operations. Before being promoted to the post of Psy-Ops Chief, Aquino was expelled from the Church of Satan for being too evil, and then implicated in one of the most horrific child abuse scandals in American history.

It’s amazing what you have to do to get promoted in the US military.

Many of America’s top satanists are members of Skull and Bones, a group whose initiation ritual is too disgusting to be described here. The whole Bush family is Skull and Bones. This group dominates the drug-dealing wing of the CIA, and is reputed to engage in larcenies that occasionally total in the trillions of dollars. Examples include the theft of Japanese gold after World War II, and the looting of Leo Wanta’s 27.5-trillion-dollar haul from the CIA demolition of the USSR’s currency during the final decade of the Cold War.

The satanists’ New World Order project took a quantum leap forward in 2001. Their War on God was product-launched by the 9/11 public relations stunt, a satanic ritual mass human sacrifice that doubled as a global mind-control operation. For the gory details proving 9/11 was a satanic ritual, read S.K. Bain’s The Most Dangerous Book in the World, William Ramsey’s Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order, and Mujahid Kamran’s 9/11 and the New World Order… and listen to my Truth Jihad Radio interview with scholar Tom Breidenbach entitled “Was 9/11 a Human Sacrifice?”

One of the ways the satanists wage their War on Islam is by staging grotesque parodies of Islamic rituals and practices. For example, the World Trade Center – which was built by the Rockefellers expressly for destruction in the 9/11 satanic sacrifice – included a sphere “designed by trade center architect Minoru Yamasaki to mimic the Grand Mosque of Mecca, Masjid al-Haram, in which The Sphere stood at the place of the Kaaba” (Wikipedia). That sphere, representing the parodied kaaba – the cube in Mecca toward which all Muslims pray – was destroyed in the immolation of the Twin Towers and their inhabitants.

The satanists also parodied Islam by having the patsies hired to play the role of “9/11 hijackers” engage in ludicrously un-Islamic behavior. The Mossad impersonator playing the role of Mohamed Atta relished pork chops, strip clubs, hard liquor, drugs, and gambling excursions. The other “radical Muslim hijackers” led similar lifestyles. The night before 9/11, they got drunk in a bar and left an alcohol-soaked Qur’an on their table.

The day after 9/11, the authorities claimed they had solved the case by recovering Mohamed Atta’s supposed last will and testament from a suitcase that miraculously was left off the supposed Flight 11, which allegedly hit the North Tower. Atta’s alleged will begins: “In the name of God, myself, and my family…” This absurd opening is a satanic parody of the Islamic bismillah: “In the name of God, the merciful the compassionate.”

No Muslim would ever write the blasphemous phrase Atta supposedly wrote. And no hijacker planning to crash a plane into a building would put his will in his suitcase that was supposed to be aboard the plane.

And no Muslim would even dream of asking God to accept their sacrifice… and then sacrifice a human being. Such a thing is unimaginable.

The New World Order satanists are laughing at us. Their laughter is truly diabolical.

And the Unislamic State’s pseudo-caliphate – a psychological warfare operation designed to impede the very “Islamic unity” project that the notion of the caliphate symbolizes – is one of their sickest jokes.

The weird world of Chris Tarrant

Chris Tarrant

In 2013, Chris Tarrant claimed there was a ‘witch hunt’ taking place following the Jimmy Savile scandal.

Along with BBC hag Esther Rantzen, he also denies any knowledge of Savile’s child-raping ways, and recently stated ” I dont know how he got away with it for so long“.

Savile filthesther savileRantzen

Savile used his image as a zany children’s presenter to gain their trust before abusing them and pimping them out to his friends in royalty and showbiz.

Chris Tarrant used to host zany children’s show Tiswas.


He has close links to the Royals and was awarded an OBE by Queenie.

An OBE appears to be a badge of honour amongst VIP paedophiles:

Rolf OBECliff Richard OBEJimmy Savile OBECyril Smith OBEStuart Hall

One of the only people to win Who Wants to be A Millionaire was Judith Keppel, a relative of the royals.


Chris Tarrant used to work with Prince Edward’s wife Sophie Rhys-Jones, who was infamously snapped topless before her wedding.


Edward is rumoured to be gay.

His brother Charles loves paedophiles and was a key player in the recent Peter Ball scandal, as well as being a close friend of Jimmy Savile.

Charles and Peter BallCharles Savile

Prince Andrew also loves paedophiles and is linked to top-ranking VIP pimps Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Prince Andrew 4-Day StayPrince Andrew, underage girl and Maxwell

Their father, Prince Philip, is a known boy-rapist who loves to visit children’s homes and abuse lads.

What a charmerElm Guest House Daily Mail

Princess Diana was a Patron of the children’s homeless charity , Centrepoint.

Princess Diana Centrepoint

Coincidentally, so is Chris Tarrant.


As Patron of hundreds of charities, Diana had a special affinity for the homeless charity Centrepoint, but, as with most things in filthy Britain, Centrepoint may not be as it seems to be:


What do we really know about the young people’s homeless charity Centrepoint?

It was established in Soho in 1969 by Reverend Kenneth Leech.

Reverend Leech wanted young homeless people to have a night shelter.

Reverend Leech knew the Kray twins.

Reverend Leech was the “advisor on exorcism and the occult” to the London Bishops.

Many young people who go to Centrepoint are vulnerable and have been in and out of the care system.

Many young people who go to Centrepoint could disappear and nobody would know about it.”

Could a young person have confided in Diana about children going missing from care and ending up in VIP boy-brothels?

As Diana herself once said:

” Anyone in distress can always call me. I will come running, wherever they are.”

Did someone in distress call her and divulge a most terrible secret?”

Prince Philip and Prince Charles both wanted Diana dead.

Was this because she’d stumbled across Britain’s murderous VIP paedophile network?

philip-hates-meDiana letter

By a strange coincidence, Chris Tarrant is the patron of another children’s charity yet again linked to Diana, this time the New School at West Heath for disadvantaged children, which was previously the private school she attended.

Chris and childrenNew School West Heath

Esther Rantzen is also a patron.


Rantzen is a key-player in the abuse network and runs the front Childline organisation which filters calls about VIP abusers. Ex-intel officers have claimed that her Blood Oaks Farm estate has children’s bodies buried on it.

satanic slagheapBlood Oaks Farm

In a recent post we wrote that Levi Bellfield is innocent and has been falsely jailed for the murder of Surrey schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Levi BellfieldMax Clifford Surrey HouseMilly Dowler

Milly Dowler was the victim of Rupert Murdoch’s blackmail abuse ring.linked to VIPs and of which Max Clifford was a top- agent.

Murdoch and BeccieMax Clifford FilthBlackmail

In yet another twist, we find that Chris Tarrant is a trustee of ‘ Milly’s Fund’ which was set up in her memory.

Tiswas TarrantMillie Dowler

He is also the patron of the Phoenix Centre for disabled children with special educational needs.

Chris Tarrant

In an anonymous blog discussing Jimmy Savile, the following chilling comments were made:

Chris Tarrant transported disabled children including those in wheel chairs from somewhere to a Mason affiliated workmen’s club (the place has no name). On one occasion, the driver had just offloaded a bunch of disabled kids from his bus under the supervision of Chris Tarrant.

A young boy had wheeled himself in, only to be lifted off his wheelchair, placed on the pool table and raped by Johnny Walker who also had a rent boy set up for providing boys for MPs, police barristers and others to rape.  

The disabled kids Chris Tarrant transported and supervised to be raped by VIP’s were nick named “Sad Salads

How fucking sickening.

Is there more to Chris Tarrant than meets the eye?

We haven’t got a bloody clue.

Have you?


Why the bloody hell hasn’t Esther Rantzen been arrested yet?

Queen – Another One Bites the Dust (Official Video) – YouTube

The queen of sweet ,sweet charity,as the saying goes charity begins at home. NOT IF YOUR EGO IS BIGGER THAN YOUR ABILITIES AND IT IS TARNISHED,STAINED,BY YOUR SELF IMPORTANCE.Then others have to go away for fear of being tainted,tarred with the same brush.”IT is time to remarket myself as a CORNflake”said he .Yet he has failed to rebrand his product as fresh new and clean,shite sticks and people have long memories .

and now for something complety different–Perhaps we should try something different. VENERINA CONTI·

TOMIE JONES-THIS IS what i call a loose quote ie the words are not exactly what was said but the meaning is the same .
“these loonie moronic conspiracy theorists should be stopped it should be illegal to make these statements they should be arrested”
So if the situation was put in theie hands we conspires .would be off to jail . In fact his favourite country barring none, ISRAEL HAS GONE SEVERAL STEPS FURTHER,YOU SAY ANYTHING CRITICAL ABOUT ISRAEL ON FACEBOOK ITS OFF TO JAIL . You have to be in palestine or israel but that is what is happening.
viva venerina conti
Perhaps we should try something different.
I’ve been attacked and bullied recently for my controversial posts surrounding the mysterious, and very probably, false flag events that took place in Paris. Although it hurts, luckily I’m wise enough to understand that people have a tendency to lash out in fear and when they feel helpless. It would be very easy for me to sit back like many others, enjoy my quiet life, not worry too much about anything that doesn’t directly affect me, turn a blind eye or, even worse, live in denial or not give a toss. After all, why on earth would I want to put myself in the firing line for being hurt or bullied? Well, it’s very simple … because, I care. Over the long number of years I’ve been on social media and travelling around the world, I’ve met hundreds of thousands of people and I’ve seen a lot of you grow up, get married and have children of your own. Some of you have beautiful grandchildren. I care about you and I care about them. I care about what kind of world we’re leaving for the future. I care about what happens to our planet.
So, I will take the pain and lashings you wish to throw at me but I will NOT apologise for standing up for humanity and I, certainly, will NOT apologise for posting what I feel is closer to the truth than what the mainstream media is telling us.
What has baffled me is, I have also been accused of “protecting evil.” I have yet to understand why. Perhaps it’s because I felt the same sadness and compassion for the deaths sustained in the Lebanon attacks as I did for France and, also, for the ongoing struggle the Syrian people are facing.
In my eyes, we’re all children of the same source. There is only one source we come from and one thing alone that creates us and brings us into being. Realistically, our mother is responsible for bringing us into this world. The energy/soul/prana – whatever you want to call it, comes from the Universe. You can call the original source of our being whatever you like. Quite frankly, it’s indifferent to me because it would never stop me from respecting you or liking you as a person. Personally, I choose to call it love because it is an act of love that brings us into being.
I don’t care what your nationality is. It’s a label given by a system that sees the NEED to identify you. I don’t care what your religion is. Religion does not define a person. A person is defined by their deeds in the world. You’re either a good person or you’re not. I choose to believe that people are fundamentally good. Of course, there are crackpots out there, that we label as terrorists, but they certainly are not acting in accordance with any religion.
The KKK slaughtered people because of the colour of their skin. Do they represent Christianism? I don’t think so. They certainly don’t represent any Christians I know. The crusaders slaughtered thousands, do they represent Catholics? I don’t think so – not the ones I know. Buddhists are killing Muslims, do they represent Buddhism? Well, certainly not the kind of Buddhism I have been taught nor the Buddhists I know.
In this aftermath of Paris and Lebanon, the good people of the world should be coming together stronger than ever. Instead, we’re already seeing businesses refusing to allow Muslim clients into their premises. We’re seeing taunting and provocations.
I understand that fear motivates people to behave in ways that would not ordinarily be a part of their character. Events like this bring the best and the worst out in people. Yet, this is exactly what governments want. They want to create a divide between us. They want our blood boiling and our hatred flowing because it gives them free reign to do what the hell they want to. They don’t need our permission to bomb Syria again because they know that while we’re outraged, we’ll delight in any hostile action because they lead us into a false sense of security; making us think everything will be ok. It won’t, and we’re foolish to believe it will.
All these attacks will do is create a cold hard line between NATO and the Shanghai cooperation, between Muslims and the rest of the world, between those of us who believe there is another way and those who are seeking revenge with further bloodshed.
People, who under normal circumstances, would get along, already find themselves bickering and fighting and taking sides. Friendships are being put to the test. People are having to apologise for their ideologies.
Let’s not forget here that, ideologies are just that – ideas – They are about as permanent as clouds passing in the sky. Similarly, allegiances around the world will change depending on who has more power, more money and more weapons. Economics and resources will dictate who has the upper hand.
If we, as human beings, cannot stand together at a time like this, on the basis of who we are as individuals living in a collective, interdependent and interconnected global society then there will be no hope left. We will enter into a third world war. Is that what you really want for your children and grandchildren?
We must, especially now, remember that terrorists are just that – terrorists – They are not acting in the name of any religious order. They are acting on behalf of crackpots who are in this for their own personal gain and glory. Most of these terrorists are contracted mercenaries. They have no loyalties to anyone except themselves and money.
Have you ever been to Turkey? Tunisia? Egypt? Morocco? Dubai? Jordan? Abu Dhabi? Sharjah? or any other Muslim country on holiday? If you have, then you know that these terrorists are NOT representing Islam nor Muslims. In fact, I know that many of my closer friends among you enjoyed your holiday, found the hospitality impeccable and couldn’t wait to go back. So, please, don’t let these staged events in Paris cloud your judgment.
Now, more than ever, we need to stand together simply as people who want to have a quiet life and watch our families and friends be happy. Hatred and violence only causes more of the same, and it’s clearly not working. Perhaps, this time, we the people should try something different.

TEN Years Ago: The London 7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?

GRTV: London 7/7: The Key Evidence

July 7, 2005, ten years ago, the London 7/7 bombings. 

Was there advanced knowledge of the attacks? Was it a conspiracy?

The following text was first published by Global Research on August 8, 2005

*      *      *

A fictional “scenario” of multiple bomb attacks on London’s underground took place at exactly the same time as the bomb attack on July 7, 2005.

Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police, described in a BBC interview how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business client.

The fictional scenario was based on simultaneous bombs going off at exactly the same time at the underground stations where the real attacks were occurring:

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don’t want to reveal their name but they’re listening and they’ll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they’d met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.

(BBC Radio Interview, 7 July 2005)

In response to the flood of incoming email messages, Peter Power –who is a former senior Scotland Yard official specializing in counterterrorism– responded in the form of the following “automatic reply”:

“Thank you for your message. Given the volume of emails about events on 7 July and a commonly expressed misguided belief that our exercise revealed prescient behaviour, or was somehow a conspiracy (noting that several websites interpreted our work that day in an inaccurate / naive / ignorant / hostile manner) it has been decided to issue a single email response as follows:

It is confirmed that a short number of ‘walk through’ scenarios planed [sic] well in advance had commenced that morning for a private company in London (as part of a wider project that remains confidential) and that two scenarios related directly to terrorist bombs at the same time as the ones that actually detonated with such tragic results. One scenario in particular, was very similar to real time events.

However, anyone with knowledge about such ongoing threats to our capital city will be aware that (a) the emergency services have already practiced several of their own exercises based on bombs in the underground system (also reported by the main news channels) and (b) a few months ago the BBC broadcast a similar documentary on the same theme, although with much worse consequences [??]. It is hardly surprising therefore, that we chose a feasible scenario – but the timing and script was nonetheless, a little disconcerting.

In short, our exercise (which involved just a few people as crisis managers actually responding to a simulated series of activities involving, on paper, 1000 staff) quickly became the real thing and the players that morning responded very well indeed to the sudden reality of events.

Beyond this no further comment will be made and based on the extraordinary number of messages from ill informed people, no replies will henceforth be given to anyone unable to demonstrate a bona fide reason for asking (e.g. accredited journalist / academic).

[ signed ] Peter Power”

(quoted in London Underground Exercises: Peter Power Responds, Jon Rappoport, July 13 2005

Mock Terror Drills

There was nothing “routine” in the so-called “walk through” scenarios. Visor’s mock terror drills (held on the very same day as the real attack) was by no means an isolated “coincidence”. Power’s email response suggests that mock drills are undertaken very frequently, as a matter of routine, and that there was nothing particularly out of the ordinary in the exercise conducted on July 7th, which just so happened to coincide with the real terror attacks.

There have indeed been several documented high profile cases of mock terror drills in the US and the UK, held prior or on exactly the same day and at the same time as the actual terror event. In the three previous cases reviewed below, the mock drills bear a canny resemblance to the real time terror attacks.

 1. CIA Sponsored Exercise on the Morning of 9/11

On the morning of September 11 2001, within minutes of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the CIA had been running “a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building”. The simulation was held at the CIA Chantilly Virginia Reconnaissance Office.

The Bush administration described the event as “a bizarre coincidence”. The matter was not mentioned by the media.(AP, 22 August 2002)

The CIA sponsored simulation consisted in a “scheduled exercise” held on the morning of September 11, 2001, where “a small corporate jet crashed into one of the four towers at the agency’s headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure.” (Quoted in Associated Press, 22 August 2002.)

The news concerning the 9/11 Chantilly aircraft crashing simulation was hushed up. It was not made public at the time. It was revealed almost a year later, in the form of an innocuous announcement of a Homeland Security Conference. The latter entitled “Homeland Security: America’s Leadership Challenge” was held in Chicago on September 6, 2002, barely a few days before the commemoration of the tragic events of 9/11.

The promotional literature for the conference under the auspices of the National Law Enforcement and Security Institute (NLESI) stated what nobody in America knew about. On the morning of 9/11, the CIA was conducting a pre-planned simulation of a plane striking a building. One of the key speakers at the National Law Enforcement and Security Institute conference was CIA’s John Fulton, Chief of the Strategic War Gaming Division of the National Reconnaissance Office a specialist in risk and threat response analysis, scenario gaming, and strategic planning.

(See . The National Law Enforcement and Security Institute website is: http://www.nlsi.net/ See also The Memory Hole at http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/cia-simulation.htm):

On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team at the CIA were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day. Information is the most powerful tool available in the homeland security effort. At the core of every initiative currently underway to protect our country and its citizens is the challenge of getting the right information to the right people at the right time. How can so much information from around the world be captured and processed in meaningful and timely ways? Mr. Fulton shares his insights into the intelligence community, and shares a vision of how today’s information systems will be developed into even better counter-terrorism tools of tomorrow. (Ibid)

 2. October 2000 Mock Terror Attack on the Pentagon

In late October 2000 (more than ten months prior to 9/11), a military exercise was conducted which consisted in establishing the scenario of a simulated passenger plane crashing into the Pentagon. The Defense Protective Services Police and the Pentagon’s Command Emergency Response Team coordinated the exercise. According to a detailed report by Dennis Ryan of Fort Myer Military Community’s Pentagram, “the Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise, as the crash was called, was just one of several scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to on Oct. 24-26 [2000]“:

The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard. Defense Protective Services Police seal the crash sight. Army medics, nurses and doctors scramble to organize aid. (…) Don Abbott, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon and extinguishes the flames. The Pentagon was a model and the “plane crash” was a simulated one.

On Oct. 24, there was a mock terrorist incident at the Pentagon Metro stop and a construction accident to name just some of the scenarios that were practiced to better prepare local agencies for real incidents.

(Dennis Ryan, “Contingency planning, Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies”, MDW NEWS 3 Nov 2000. http://www.mdw.army.mil/ )

3. Britain’s Atlantic Blue, April 2005

In Britain, there were several documented exercises of terror attacks on London’s underground system.

In addition to the 7/7 exercise conducted by Visor Consultants, a similar mock terror drill on London’s transportation system entitled “Atlantic Blue” was held in April 2005, barely three months prior to the real attacks. In 2003, a mock terror drill labelled OSIRIS 2 was conducted. It consisted, according to Peter Power in testing the “equipment and people deep in the Underground of London”. It involved the participation of several hundred people. (Interview with Peter Power, CTV, 11 July 2005).

“Atlantic Blue” was part of a much larger US sponsored emergency preparedness exercise labelled TOPOFF 3, which included the participation of Britain and Canada. It had been ordered by the UK Secretary of State for the Home Department, Mr. Charles Clarke, in close coordination with his US counterpart Michael Chertoff.

The assumptions of the Visor Consultants mock drill conducted on the morning of July 7th were similar to those conducted under “Atlantic Blue”. This should come as no surprise since Visor Consultants was involved, on contract to the British government, in the organisation and conduct of Atlantic Blue and in coordination with the US Department of Homeland Security.

As in the case of the 9/11 simulation organized by the CIA, the July 7, 2005 Visor mock terror drill, was casually dismissed by the media, without further investigation, as a mere “coincidence”, with no relationship to the real event.

Foreknowledge of the 7/7 Attack?

According to a report of the Associated Press correspondent in Jerusalem, the Israeli embassy in London had been advised in advance by Scotland Yard of an impending bomb attack:

Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy to say they had received warnings of possible attacks, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.(AP, 7 July 2005)

Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was warned by his embassy not to attend an attend an economic conference organized by the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) in collaboration with the Israeli embassy and Deutsche Bank.

Netanyahu was staying at the Aldridge Hotel in Mayfair. The conference venue was a few miles away at the Great Eastern Hotel close to the Liverpool subway station, where one of the bomb blasts occurred.

Rudolph Giuliani’s London Visit

Rudolph Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks, was staying at the Great Eastern hotel on the 7th of July, where TASE was hosting its economic conference, with Israel’s Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as keynote speaker.

Giuliani was having a business breakfast meeting in his room at the Great Eastern Hotel, close to Liverpool Street station when the bombs went off:

“I didn’t hear the Liverpool Street bomb go off,” he explains. “One of my security people came into the room and informed me that there had been an explosion. We went outside and they pointed in the direction of where they thought the incident had happened. There was no panic. I went back in to my breakfast. At that stage, the information coming in to us was very ambiguous.” (quoted in the Evening Standard, 11 July 2005.)

Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Rudolph Giuliani knew each other. Giuliani had officially welcomed Netanyahu when he visited New York City as Prime Minister of Israel in 1996. There was  indication, however, from news reports that the two men met in London at the Great Eastern. On the day prior to the London attacks, July 6th, Giuliani was in North Yorkshire at a meeting.

After completing his term as mayor of New York City, Rudi Giuliani established a security outfit: Giuliani Security and Safety. The latter is a subsidary of Giuliani Partners LLC. headed by former New York head of the FBI, Pasquale D’Amuro.

After 9/11, D’Amuro was appointed Inspector in Charge of the FBI’s investigation of 9/11. He later served as Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division at FBI Headquarters and, Executive Assistant Director for Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence. D’Amuro had close links to the Neocons in the Bush adminstration.

It is worth noting that Visor Consultants and Giuliani Security and Safety LLC specialize in similar “mock terror drills” and “emergency preparedness” procedures. Both Giuliani and Power were in London at the same time within a short distance of one of the bombing sites. While there is no evidence that Giuliani and Power met in London, the two companies have had prior business contacts in the area of emergency preparedness. Peter Power served on the Advisory Board to the Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP), together with Richard Sheirer, Senior Vice President of Giuliani and Partners. who was previously Commissioner at the NYC Office of Emergency Management, and Director of New York City Homeland Security.

(See CCEP at http://www.ccep.ca/ccep_shei.html)

Concluding Remarks

One should not at this stage of the investigation draw hasty conclusions regarding the mock terror drill of a terror attack on the London underground, held on the same day and at the same time as the real time attacks.

The issue cannot, however, be dismissed. One would expect that it be addressed in a serious and professional fashion by the police investigation and that the matter be the object of a formal clarification by the British authorities.

The issue of foreknowledge raised in the Associated Press report also requires investigation.

More generally, an independent public inquiry into the London bomb attacks is required.



Lee Adam WilshierPalestinian child who looks like they had something harvested…

Lee Adam Wilshier's photo.
Leanne Devlin's photo.

A combination of revisionist history and group mentality maintains a significant Zionist consensus among Diaspora Jews – we see Palestinians living in poverty, their families killed and their homes destroyed, and are told that this is because Hamas does not care for its own people, unlike Israel. […] While today a majority of observing Jews identify with the state of Israel, there is both growing  and visible minority of anti- and non-Zionist Jews, and a rich history of anti-Zionism within Judaism. Political movements like The Jewish Labour Bund and thinkers such as Abraham Serfaty, Emma Goldman and Leon Trotsky are often ignored or dismissed as “self-hating traitors”. In the UK today , Jewdas, Young Jewish Left Ray Filar, “Why I am an anti-Zionist Jew”, openDemocracy (13 October 2014)

So not all but many Jews are Zionists, groups like Jews for Justice for Palestinians and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist network are active voices against the occupation,apartheid,genocide,and the final eradication of the race,creed and culture of the PALESTINIANS.



Americans Against Genocide In Gaza (AAGG).

Nicholas DeVincenzo's photo.


Zionism is the modern version of the golden calf worshiped by the ancient Israelites fleeing Egypt. Judaism has been betrayed, for as foretold, it is the Messiah that is to lead the Jewish people to the promised land.

The Nation of the Jewish people dwells within their hearts and minds, it has nothing to do with the so called holy land. The same holds true for Christians, for their golden calf was named manifest destiny. In other words so too, was Christianity betrayed.

This is the commonality, the unbreakable bond so often spoken of between Israel, the United States, and other colonial powers. They are bonds of greed and a lust for power, their modus operandi is in fact the exact opposite of the teachings of the Torah, and or Christ.

Although this bond is not one held by the common people, but by the elites that connive the common man. It is an ancient order of the greedy whom by virtue of their dispositions must work in secret.

It is through the above that history must be viewed, such as World War One, 9/11 and ISIS for Israel is merely a symptom of this order, as was the United States. The people of both lands (Native Americans&Palestinians) have suffered in similar ways.

What must change is the consciousness of humanity itself, we can no longer pretend or bury our heads in the sand. We by our complacency allow the order to create an unjust world.

In the United States people must begin to bring those traitors who perpetrated the attacks of September the eleventh 2001 to justice. It was primarily a US/Israeli operation designed to foment a clash of civilizations, one that would only benefit the order in their efforts to consolidate power.

Let September the Eleventh 2001 be the people’s catalyst for change, a change where it is understood that in some way we all worship a golden calf, and that we all share the burden, the pain and the consequences of JUDAISM BETRAYED . . .


Akemy Ben Mandy's photo.

Similarities of 9/11.
J.P. Morgan canceled his voyage one hour before he was set to depart on HIS SHIP the Titanic! He, being one of the biggest players in the setting up of the Federal Reserve, eliminated his opposition. Who was against him.

J.P. Morgan was a major holder in the building of the Titanic. He had it insured and made a fortune off of it sinking. Since the discovery of the wreckage of the Titanic, there is evidence that the ship’s bottom was blown out before it hit the iceberg which would also explain why when sinking it nosed up and split in half.

Ice is FROZEN WATER it is not stronger than metal. If the Titanic really struck an iceberg, the iceberg would have sank. Take a block of ice out of your freezer and hit it with a hammer. What breaks? The hammer or the ice?