Jeremy Hunt doesn’t understand junior doctors. He co-wrote a book on how to dismantle the NHS | Frankie Boyle | Opinion | The Guardian

Frankie Boyle: The health secretary’s name is so redolent of upper-class brutality he belongs in a Martin Amis book where working-class people are called Dave Rubbish

Source: Jeremy Hunt doesn’t understand junior doctors. He co-wrote a book on how to dismantle the NHS | Frankie Boyle | Opinion | The Guardian

Sorry but I have been wanting to say this every time I SEE Jeremy HUNT,S NAME IN  PRINT.——-JEREMY   HUNT  YOU ARE A CUNT .

Junta property classifications could mean demolition for hundreds of expat homes | Olive Press News Spain


Source: Junta property classifications could mean demolition for hundreds of expat homes | Olive Press News Spain



T J SAYS-  the Junta de Andalusia.

They have decided that 99% of all independent rural properties built after 1975 will be either DAFO  or illegal which will lead to eventual demolition – only 1% of properties will actually be legal. So even if you went through all the right procedures, used reputable lawyers and have all the right paperwork now, the Junta de Andalucia will reverse it and make your house virtually worthless. In other words, they have moved the goalposts yet again and retrospectively changed the law. Who says they won’t do it again and next time to coastal properties?

People need to understand that no matter how many lawyers you consult or how many checks you make, it means nothing, the property laws in Spain are  do not protect you.

Watch out for the so called looky kooky estate agents they have no quarks AND NO LICENCE OR QUALIFICATIONS. Selling you an illegal property giving you a load of blarney baloney.Take your money and gone . Then your new home becomes a pile of rubbish . NO WONDER THE COSTA DEL SOL IS KNOWN AS THE COSTA DEL CRIME. USE A CREDITED ESTATE AGENT. THE OLIVE PRESS CAN PUT YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.