maurice boland on the subject of cliff richard.

Maurice Boland


 I can’t tell you how happy I am that Sir Cliff Richard has been found NOT guilty of ANY crime.

I was so glad to see Sir Cliff Richard has had any charges that might have been against him for so called historical sex crimes dropped.

tomie jones says-your statement is not true boland case dropped because of insufficient evidence so if more evidence comes to light  he could be charged and go to court he has not been found guilty or not guilty.


Maurice Boland's photo.
Steve Truglia

Steve Truglia4 different people? Not enough evidence. 4 people all made it up? I smell a rat. How easily people are biased because they are a fan.

 tomie jones says- actually  it was 9 and one was a convicted rapist, many abusers have been abused  in their childhood, and the abused becomes the abuser . don,t take my word for it ,check it out, the medical profession have stated this fact many times.sexualy abused  children often ,not always become sexual abusers.


Maurice Boland

Maurice BolandHow people are biased because they are NOT a fan !


Maurice Boland

Maurice BolandAdded to that, out of the ‘4’ we know one of them is UK’s worst serial rapist! So now let’s find out about the other 3 and how reliable they are! Yep I smell a rat okay !tomie jones says you are firing from the lip again you need to get your facts straight first.

Sir Cliff Richard’s accuser ‘is one of Britain’s worst serial rapists’ | Daily Mail Online

The man was one of nine to come forward and accuse the veteran pop star of abusing him at the Elm Guest House in Barnes, West London, where VIPs were said to have abused boys. So you see 9 not 4 you really do go off half cock maurice .the charges have been dropped by the crown prosecution on the grounds of INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE. So if and when more evidence is found the case could be brought up again.he has not been found not guilty or may think it is over but it is not by a long chalk!


Steve Truglia

Steve TrugliaI’ve always liked him, but I’m a realist. If Police didn’t have good reason, the case would never have taken this long. Not enough evidence on historical crimes like these alleged, are often difficult to prove. I still smell a rat.


Maurice Boland

Maurice Bolandwell Steve look at my answer above and blow your nose!


Steve Truglia

Steve TrugliaStill not convinced. If it’s true there may be others, guess time will tell


Maurice Boland

Maurice BolandMeanwhile unfortunately for YOU you’ll need to sit and wait


Maurice Boland
Maurice BolandIn time if he’s found guilty of any crime you can then start dancing on his grave but until then the debate is closed for you on my Facebook.
tomie jones says- as you can see the boland ban being applied if you do not agree with the guy  you are banned.the list gets bigger.of those who have dared to disagree with Boland


Steve Truglia

Steve TrugliaWhat happened to freedom of speech? 😏😏 , honesty.

TOMIE JONES SAYS-The reason i have posted this and commented is because I CANNOT POST ON BOLAND,S SITE BECAUSE  YES YOU HAVE GUESSED IT I AM BANNED..

Nick Holland-Morgan

Nick Holland-MorganI’m not questioning that he’s a nice guy but no charges were dropped. The CPS said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute, which in legal speak in a completely different thing than dropping charges. I’m not saying he’s guilty but pointing out there is a difference.


Johnny Westwood

Johnny WestwoodCliff already said that in his statement.But he also states that he IS innocent and this is why there has been insufficient evidence so why bring it up.?


Nick Holland-Morgan
Nick Holland-MorganJust pointing out the difference because Maurice said any charges were dropped which isn’t entirely accurate, that’s all!
Jimmy NolanSir Clement Freud springs to mind.
Maurice Boland

Maurice BolandHere we go Jimmy, you are just tarnishing Cliff with the same dirty brush as Freud. Why are you doing that? It’s so unnecessary and a cheap shot! I expect better from you!

Jimmy Nolan

Jimmy NolanThe bit that springs to mind Maurice is” I found him charming, amusing and impeccably mannered “ring a bell. Also as you would be aware in Ireland this week with developments in the Philip Kearns case and similarly with Sir Clement all does not reveal sometimes until after the departure from this world of the protagonist.

Maurice Boland

Maurice BolandJimmy, whats this got to do with the Cliff Richard case.

 TOMIE JONES SAYS Well the comparison between Freud and Richard  .Freud succeeded in keeping a lid on the situation till he died all has now been revealed now , like Jimmy savile I might add.Richard is not out of the woods so to speak but he may survive it all ,when he dies his guilty secrets may well be revealed .As they say dead men tell no tails.
Angie N Gray Salt Lots of nonces who like underage kids get away with things. I don’t think we should celebrate the end of a police investigation. Many guilty were lucky and got away with stuff….and a few innocent people have had their names blackened. But after Saville police have to investigate…..without interference from Joe public or the press. If we all stuck to a simple rule….if you could have fathered or mothered them then leave them alone. All would be good.

 tomie jones says”If you could have fathered or mothered them  then leave them alone. all would be good”so applying this adage 16 to 60 would is in that field. what you think maurice do you agree?

Sally John
Maurice Boland
Maurice Boland Exactly and that is the way it should remain.

Sally John
Sally John And he must live with his demons. And the victims,
Susan Hutchinson Couldn’t say I am a Cliff fan , but the whole historic sex offences problem needs a line drawing under it. Think these “celebrities” have mainly been set up. Most of their “victims” were willing participants at the time.(maurice boland likes this)

Max Clifford sentenced 8 years for eight indecent assaults SKY Report & Comments – YouTube

max clifford ,mike souter,stuart hall,rolf harris,jimmy savile have many things in common, they are all in jail for sex crimes(except jimmy savile who is dead),  connected with the costa del sex ,have been connected with english speaking radio in Spain, friends ,business associates, retired showbiz .

thecolemanexperience | The Clock is Ticking

The Clock is Ticking

Source: thecolemanexperience | The Clock is Ticking

SO we trolls that report the news that does not get reported like the coleman experience, paedophilia, filthy britain well you get the jist.lora lucero on Israel , gaza strip , palestine, we must not forget my good self on conspiracy theories , chem trails , 9/11  jfk,etc. alison is going to work for her masters to control , eliminate , destroy freedom of expression , . I Should think that you Zionist jew chums of british government will really love this move to restrain ,remove our freedom of speech.well alison you may be able to get at those in the british isles but the rest of the network is out of your control . We will not lie down and give in without a fight, here in the rest of the world, the likes of you facist bastards that want control of the conspiracy theoroists are going to have to fight for it, threats of legal action droconian laws will not stop us.Do your worst i personally have nothing to lose . Health and wealth does not exist the only thing you have in your  favour concerning myself is i am in ill health and will die sooner rather than later, SO DO YOUR WORSE.

MUSLIM PALESTINIANS  SERVING THE ZIONIST ISRAELIS IN THE I D F IS NOTHING MORE THAN COLLABORATION WITH THE ENEMY, ZIONIST JEWS ,ZIONIST SETTLERS,BIBI NETANYAHU,ETC. WANT RID OF THE PALESTINIANS DEAD ,ERADICATED.So if and when this is achieved by the zionists what happens to them?The collaborators they will want rid of them as they will have no further use for them .

Think on what did the nazises do to the jewish collaborators who policed the ghettos when the jews were shipped out to death camps?THEY WERE MURDERED AS WELL,SERVED THEIR PURPOSE .

Why the bloody hell hasn’t Alison Saunders been arrested yet?

Alison Saunders

Establishment hag, Alison Saunders, has announced plans to clampdown on online ‘trolls’.

Oh yeah?

What she really means is that her masters have told her to do everything she can to stop social media reporting on VIP paedophiles in power.

Under the guise of protecting the victims of crime,  Saunders is slyly trying to bring in laws to stop Twitter and other sites ‘harassing’ victims and ‘hurting their ‘ feelings’.

Of course, in reality Alison Sunders couldn’t give a fuck about real victims.

She has in fact  spent her legal life as an Establishment ‘gatekeeper’ very much in the same vein as paedophile-lover Esther Rantzen.

satanic slagheapesther savile















The weird world of Chris Tarrant

Chris Tarrant

In 2013, Chris Tarrant claimed there was a ‘witch hunt’ taking place following the Jimmy Savile scandal.

Along with BBC hag Esther Rantzen, he also denies any knowledge of Savile’s child-raping ways, and recently stated ” I dont know how he got away with it for so long“.

Savile filthesther savileRantzen

Savile used his image as a zany children’s presenter to gain their trust before abusing them and pimping them out to his friends in royalty and showbiz.

Chris Tarrant used to host zany children’s show Tiswas.


He has close links to the Royals and was awarded an OBE by Queenie.

An OBE appears to be a badge of honour amongst VIP paedophiles:

Rolf OBECliff Richard OBEJimmy Savile OBECyril Smith OBEStuart Hall

One of the only people to win Who Wants to be A Millionaire was Judith Keppel, a relative of the royals.


Chris Tarrant used to work with Prince Edward’s wife Sophie Rhys-Jones, who was infamously snapped topless before her wedding.


Edward is rumoured to be gay.

His brother Charles loves paedophiles and was a key player in the recent Peter Ball scandal, as well as being a close friend of Jimmy Savile.

Charles and Peter BallCharles Savile

Prince Andrew also loves paedophiles and is linked to top-ranking VIP pimps Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Prince Andrew 4-Day StayPrince Andrew, underage girl and Maxwell

Their father, Prince Philip, is a known boy-rapist who loves to visit children’s homes and abuse lads.

What a charmerElm Guest House Daily Mail

Princess Diana was a Patron of the children’s homeless charity , Centrepoint.

Princess Diana Centrepoint

Coincidentally, so is Chris Tarrant.

As Patron of hundreds of charities, Diana had a special affinity for the homeless charity Centrepoint, but, as with most things in filthy Britain, Centrepoint may not be as it seems to be:


What do we really know about the young people’s homeless charity Centrepoint?

It was established in Soho in 1969 by Reverend Kenneth Leech.

Reverend Leech wanted young homeless people to have a night shelter.

Reverend Leech knew the Kray twins.

Reverend Leech was the “advisor on exorcism and the occult” to the London Bishops.

Many young people who go to Centrepoint are vulnerable and have been in and out of the care system.

Many young people who go to Centrepoint could disappear and nobody would know about it.”

Could a young person have confided in Diana about children going missing from care and ending up in VIP boy-brothels?

As Diana herself once said:

” Anyone in distress can always call me. I will come running, wherever they are.”

Did someone in distress call her and divulge a most terrible secret?”

Prince Philip and Prince Charles both wanted Diana dead.

Was this because she’d stumbled across Britain’s murderous VIP paedophile network?

philip-hates-meDiana letter

By a strange coincidence, Chris Tarrant is the patron of another children’s charity yet again linked to Diana, this time the New School at West Heath for disadvantaged children, which was previously the private school she attended.

Chris and childrenNew School West Heath

Esther Rantzen is also a patron.

Rantzen is a key-player in the abuse network and runs the front Childline organisation which filters calls about VIP abusers. Ex-intel officers have claimed that her Blood Oaks Farm estate has children’s bodies buried on it.

satanic slagheapBlood Oaks Farm

In a recent post we wrote that Levi Bellfield is innocent and has been falsely jailed for the murder of Surrey schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Levi BellfieldMax Clifford Surrey HouseMilly Dowler

Milly Dowler was the victim of Rupert Murdoch’s blackmail abuse ring.linked to VIPs and of which Max Clifford was a top- agent.

Murdoch and BeccieMax Clifford FilthBlackmail

In yet another twist, we find that Chris Tarrant is a trustee of ‘ Milly’s Fund’ which was set up in her memory.

Tiswas TarrantMillie Dowler

He is also the patron of the Phoenix Centre for disabled children with special educational needs.

Chris Tarrant

In an anonymous blog discussing Jimmy Savile, the following chilling comments were made:

Chris Tarrant transported disabled children including those in wheel chairs from somewhere to a Mason affiliated workmen’s club (the place has no name). On one occasion, the driver had just offloaded a bunch of disabled kids from his bus under the supervision of Chris Tarrant.

A young boy had wheeled himself in, only to be lifted off his wheelchair, placed on the pool table and raped by Johnny Walker who also had a rent boy set up for providing boys for MPs, police barristers and others to rape.  

The disabled kids Chris Tarrant transported and supervised to be raped by VIP’s were nick named “Sad Salads

How fucking sickening.

Is there more to Chris Tarrant than meets the eye?

We haven’t got a bloody clue.

Have you?

Why the bloody hell hasn’t Esther Rantzen been arrested yet?


Kate and Gerry McCann, of losing-their-daughter fame, have finally fallen out of public favour with the nation coyly confessing they think the couple are responsible for the death of the child by extreme negligence. 

Amateur forensics experts and tea drinkers have slowly come to the damning conclusion after years of intense thumbing of news clippings glossing over the story. People everywhere have called for Kate and Gerry to be prosecuted under Portuguese courts for negligence.

The famously litigation-happy couple have previously brushed off accusations in the past with intense legal threats and polite cease and desists.

Mums everywhere have said: “If you leave your children in a hotel room for a few hours and one of them goes ‘missing’, surely that is still your fault?”

The McCanns could not be reached for comment (especially Maddie).

The shocking truth about Britain’s forced adoption scandal

The shocking truth about Britain’s forced adoption scandal

Lord Bramall and Britain’s dirty secrets


A prophesy fulfilledWhy it’s scarier this time around.There is nothing new about the multi-pronged attack on human rights and anti-occupation activists in Israel, but there’s something different this time. Something scarier.

As scary as the current political atmosphere is for the anti-occupation Left in Israel, it is no surprise to anybody who has skin in the game. Just months after Israel conquered the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, Jewish Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz warned that sooner or later the occupation would come home to roost. […]


Alan Rickman gave the greatest gift to my late daughter, Rachel Corrie.The actor’s courage and care turned Rachel’s story into an extraordinary play, My Name is Rachel Corrie; all the while treating us with a rare thoughtfulness

My family and I were saddened on Thursday morning to learn of thedeath of Alan Rickman – too sad to write our feelings at the time. Alan, of course, is famous as an actor and director, both on stage and in film. But we first came to know him when, with Katharine Viner (now editor-in-chief […]


The Dick-Read School for Natural Childbirth

Leigh Dick-Read 6 hrs · The Dick-Read School for Natural Childbirth Honouring Dr Grantly Dick-Read MD, 1890 to 1959 and Jessica Dick-Read, 1912 to 1998 School “Maintenance Man”: Dr Leigh Dick-Read, PhD (Natural Childbirth) This work is – and it must be, totally Evidence Based and Transparent. Society IS as Society Births! 0422 56 1214 […]

Lord Bramall and Britain’s dirty secrets

bramall and queenie

Old sins cast long shadows.

Never more so than in the case of Britain’s murderous VIP paedophile network.

We’re witnessing before our very eyes the quite unbelievable lengths the establishment will go to to prevent the full and sordid truth emerging.


If letting vile boy-rapist Greville Janner off the hook wasn’t bad enough, we’re now supposed to accept that any allegations made against the scum who run this country must be false and the victims coming forward must have mental health issues.

Old duffer, Lord Edwin ‘Dwin’ Bramall, has been ranting about how innocent he is and his accuser needs to be sectioned.

Are you innocent Dwin?

Are you really?

Just because the Met Police had insufficient evidence to proceed that can hardly equate to being totally exonerated now can it?

And when you add in the fact that Dwin is a long-standing shady Queen’s Lord Lieutenant,  it stands to reason there’s a lot more to these allegations than we’re being told.

The Queen’s Lord Lieutenants

In May 2014 we published the following post:

” Times editor, Daniel Finkelstein, would have you believe that he’s no more than a football-loving, political journalist and all round Mr Nice Guy.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

You see, the real Danny Finkelstein is what one might call a ‘great pretender’.

He’s merely pretending to be who he says he is, when in fact he’s one of a small group of ‘behind the scenes’ players who despise Britain and are pushing a sickening agenda that seeks to destroy this once great nation.

jc5874 x10845NerYisroelPannel

Danny ‘the fink’, runs the hugely powerful and influential, Policy Exchange organisation.

Policy Exchange claims to merely discuss political policy-making, but in fact writes the policies that Cameron, Gove, Osbourne and IDS have so disastrously adopted.

The current education minister, Michael Gove, is extremely close to Finkelstein.

He used to run Policy Exchange.

They both adore child-raping Labour Peer, Greville Janner.

Some might call Gove, Finkelstein’s whipping boy.

Currie, Janner and Gove

Gove has recently been in the headlines because he mysteriously dismissed calls for the mandatory reporting of sex-abuse claims by pupils in schools.

He claimed that the idea would swamp ” child protection” officials.

In light of the many recent scandals in private boys schools this pathetic excuse seem incredulous.

Did Finkelstein have a hand in Gove’s bizarre decision not to allow abuse to be reported?

The brilliant writer, Chris Spivey, has been pivotal in reporting on the huge numbers of children taken into care by social workers when their parents have done nothing wrong.

These children are often then abused in care homes by VIP filth.

In a recent article, Spivey exposed the links between the government’s fakedausterity measures and the rise in the number of children being taken into care because their parents have been sanctioned by the DWP and they are left penniless and sometime homeless.

Danny Finkelstein commissioned a report into benefit sanctions and appeared to have invented a fairer approach, but it’s actually more callous than ever.

Fake-football ‘lover’ Danny wants to introduce a sinister yellow card warning system which promises much stricter punishments for anyone who deviates.

This begs the question, why, oh why, would Danny Finkelstein want parents to lose their benefits and have their children taken into care?

We published the following claims about Finkelstein which he didn’t take too kindly too and accused us (and our readers) of being ‘nutters’ and needing our heads examining:

Between 1981 and 1990 Finkelstein was a member of the SDP and in 1987 was defeated in the Brent East by-election.

It’s highly likely he came across child-raping filth, Cyril Smith MP.

Finkelstein switched political allegiance and  joined the Tories, where he became political advisor to bald oddity, William Hague.

Hague himself is up to his neck in filth of the highest order and may have lots to tell the authorities about his links to the notorious Dolphin Square boy-brothel and the North Wales care-home scandal.

He was also the toy-boy of Margaret Thatcher, who spent a staggering amount of time with close chum, Jimmy Savile.

We now know that Jill Dando was shot in the head because she was about to blow the lid on the BBC paedophile-ring, linked to Savile, Parliament and the Royals.

Nick Ross Jill Dando

Her high-profile death was a warning to others to keep their mouth shut too.

The Crimestoppers helpline, run by Nick Ross, conveniently stopped working when an appeal was made for information about Jill’s murder.

Nick Ross BBC

Ross, who recently said he’d watch child-porn given half the chance, is married to the cousin of Esther Rantzen.

Rantzen runs the Childline charity and has been accused of ignoring the victims of Savile at the BBC.

Some voices claim that both organisations are used to gather and suppress reports of VIP child-abuse.

According to the Spectator:

” Lord Finkelstein is closer by far to George Osborne. One senior Times writer told me three years ago that he spoke ‘six or seven times a day. probably more’ to the Chancellor. Mr Osborne once reportedly remarked that he spoke to Mr Finkelstein more often then he did to his wife. But when Mr Osborne appeared in front of Lord Justice Leveson, the following exchange occurred:

Q. ‘Does he [Finkelstein] act for you as a sort of unpaid adviser and/or speech writer?

A. ‘No, he’s just a very good friend.

Osbourne has been embroiled in his own scandals after details emerged of his cocaine-habit and love of brothels.

In 2005, the BBC held a debate in response to the 7/7 bombings:

” To the Everyman Cinema last night with Tom Brent for a public meeting on current affairs. BBC presenter Emily Maitlis chaired a brisk discussion in whichShami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, outshone distinguished panelists Sir Leon Brittan, Simon Hughes, and Daniel Finkelstein.”

Brittan and Hughes have both been linked to sordid allegations of abuse against boys.

Was Finkelstein aware of these allegations?

For many years, Daniel Finkelstein ran a company called ‘The Generation of Change Ltd’ with Neil Sherlock.

Sherlock became Nick Clegg’s special adviser in his private office and his wife, Kathryn Parminter, used to work as a parliamentary research assistant for Simon Hughes.,_Baroness_Parminter

Nick Clegg has been accused of covering-up what he knew about Cyril Smith and his child-raping ways.

In 2012, for some unknown reason, Finkelstein wrote an article for the Times, entitled, ‘The dead can’t enter a plea of guilty’.

The article appeared to cast doubt on the abuse claims made against Cyril Smith and Jimmy Savile:

” Cyril Smith may have been a monster. But until we have reliable evidence we must not rush to judgment . Can I ask you a question? How do you know, really know, that Jimmy Savile is guilty of child abuse? The truth, let’s face it, is that you don’t. You are like me. You’ve perhaps heard one or two TV interviews with victims. You’ve read the odd article including some fairly damning quotes. You’ve gathered that there is a police investigation and that, as a result, a number of famous people have been arrested, although oddly always in connection with allegations that have nothing to do with Savile.
And, most of all, you’ve heard people say that he always looked a little fishy and that come to think of it it was a dead giveaway that he always waltzed around in one of those gold lamé tracksuits that paedos love to wear. And that hair. And “now then, now then”. He definitely did it.”

The following anonymous comments were left on a blog, detailing the case of Labour Peer, Greville Janner:

Greville Janner

” After accusing Janner of paedophilic behaviour with a teenager, care worker, Frank Beck was arrested and charged with the sexual and physical abuse of children in his care over a thirteen-year period. At his trial Beck stated that: –

One child has been buggered and abused for two solid years by Greville Janner“.

Immediately after this, Janner who just happens to be, ironically, a long time member of the boy scouts association, and Sir David Napley, his solicitor, went to Police headquarters in Leicester.

Whereupon, the following statement was issued: “We have advised Mr. Janner that he is prevented from making any statement at this stage”. Shortly afterwards, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Alan Green, let it be known that “for lack of evidence”, Janner would not be prosecuted, even though Paul Winston, who was just thirteen when he and Janner first met, was able to describe Janner‘s home, the hotel rooms they had shared, and Janner’s habits and person in detail.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, himself, was arrested for kerb-crawling in Kings Cross a little while later. Green had come to the attention of the police previously for this same misdemeanour and was quietly given a formal warning. The scandal prompted his resignation from public office and the suicide of his wife.”

Daniel Finkelstein must have been aware of the accusations against Janner but, for some unknown reason, posted the following tweet:

Watching Greville Janner in 1970 election prog. Attractive, incisive, intelligent, moderate. How did he not end up one of Lab’s leaders?”

The two were also listed together in the JC as being highly influential in their respective fields:

” The highest judge in the land is Lord David Neuberger.


He used to work at N.M Rothschild and Sons and is married to Angela Holdsworth.

He was responsible for evicting the Parliament Square peace campaign.

In May 2011, while commenting on super injunctions, he said that social media sites like Twitter were “totally out of control” and society should consider ways to bring such websites under control.,_Baron_Neuberger_of_Abbotsbury

By a very strange twist, his wife Angela, was a BBC executive for many years and must have known about Jimmy Savile’s child-raping activities.

She also worked with Nick Ross and Esther Rantzen on the controversial BBC show, Man Alive.

Savile and Rantzen

Angela Holdsworth then became the editor of another well-known programme.

That programme was none-other than Crimewatch.

The phone-hacking judge, Brian Levenson was involved in the trial of Barry George.

Some claim the hacking scandal was a deliberate set-up to clamp down on the media.

Following the death of Jill Dando, a new research centre in her name was formed:

The UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science is the first Institute in the world devoted to Crime Science. Research is concentrated on new ways to cut crime and increase security ” .

By a strange twist, the Board of the Institute is run by none other than Nick Ross and Professor Anthony Finkelstein.

Anthony Finkelstein is Daniel Finkelstein’s brother.”

We then made a shocking discovery.

Max Clifford Filth

Jailed pervert, Max Clifford, uses the following shady business address:

11-15 Acre House
William Road
United Kingdom

In February 2013, we were given a tip-off that Acre House is linked to less-than-kosher Conservative monetary shenanigans:

By a strange coincidence, Finkelstein’s Policy Exchange uses the same address.

So does Tory child-pimp, Derek Laud.

So does crooked Gerald Ronson.

So does Leon Brittan.

Quite why they all share this debauched address is a complete and utter mystery.

In April 2014, the following comments were left on a blog which was discussing Finkelstein:

I met Finky once at Blood Oaks Farm lovely evening Jimmy and Esther, Margaret Hodge, Harriet Harmon, Andy Coulson and Lord McAlpine.
I can assure you Greville Janner is very good looking and I agree with Fink, Janner would have made a perfect Prime Minister in the Edward Heath mode.’

– ” why don’t you send Danny a twitter question, ask him about Oto, ask him about Hastings and Kent ask him about Bob the gob.

Ask him about Bob G and Russia ask him about Paul and, as it’s all connected ask him about Tavistock and 7 7 :  nice boy is Danny but loose lips at parties I hear”.

By a strange coincidence, Lord Bramall used to own a company called Brassey’s UK Ltd.

That company was based at the following address:

11-15 Acre House
William Road
United Kingdom

Is there more to Lord Bramall  than meets the eye?

We haven’t got a bloody clue.

Have you?

Danny Finkelstein, Michael Gove, Greville Janner, Max Clifford and the VIP child abuse scandal

THECOLEMANEXPERIENCE The murderous Elm Guest House

The murderous Elm Guest House

RIP Vishal

The long, painful days of anguish suffered by the parents of missing boy Vishal Mehrotra since his disappearance in 1981 must have been horrifying.

Even more so when we find that the corrupt filth who run this country had a hand in his death and were even protected by police scum at Scotland Yard.

Poor Vishal was snatched by Britain’s VIP paedophile ring and was trafficked to the notorious Elm Guest House where he sadly lost his young life.


The Telegraph reports on the sickening case:

” The father of an eight-year-old boy murdered in the 1980s claims that his son may have died at the hands of aWestminster paedophile ring – and that Scotland Yard helped “cover up” the crime.

Vishambar Mehrotra, a retired magistrate, recorded a male prostitute saying in a telephone call that his son may have been abducted and taken to a now notorious guesthouse in 1981.

Elm Guest

He took the recording to police at the time but claims they refused to investigate an allegation implicating “judges and politicians”. Mr Mehrotra said it had been a “huge cover-up”.

The Metropolitan Police announced last week that they were investigating possible murders linked to the Elm Guest House in Barnes, south-west London. The new inquiry began when an alleged victim came forward claiming to have witnessed three boys being killed, including one allegedly strangled by a Conservative MP during a depraved sex game.

ELM ABUSE HELLCyril Smith OBECliff and Tone

He claimed that high-profile paedophiles abused children at locations in London in the 1970s and 1980s.

Mr Mehrotra’s son Vishal was abducted as he walked home to Putney after watching the Prince of Wales and Diana Spencer ride to their wedding in a carriage on July 29 1981.

Prince Charles Jimmy SavileDiana Murdered

He had gone ahead of other family members for the last few hundred yards. He was last seen less than a mile from the guesthouse.

Mr Mehrotra claims he received an anonymous call from a male prostitute in the months following. A man he guessed to be in his 20s told him Vishal may have been abducted by “highly placed” paedophiles operating from the Elm Guest House, Mr Mehrotra said.

He told The Telegraph: “I was contacted by a young man who seemed to be in his 20s. He told me he believed Vishal may have been taken by paedophiles in the Elm Guest House near Barnes Common.

elm guest house ad

“He said there were very highly placed people there. He talked about judges and politicians who were abusing little boys.” Mr Mehrotra, a solicitor who was a JP at Wimbledon magistrates’ court until retiring in 2006, claims the man said he had already informed police about activities at the guesthouse, but had received no response.

He added: “I recorded the whole 15-minute conversation and took it to police. But instead of investigating it, they just pooh-poohed it and I never heard anything about the tape again. The whole thing went cold.


“At that time I trusted the police. But when nothing happened, I became confused and concerned.

“Now it is clear to me that there has been a huge cover up. There is no doubt in my mind.”

In February 1982, part of Vishal’s skeleton was found in woodland in West Sussex. There was no trace of his legs, pelvis or lower spine, nor of his outer clothes, his sleeveless vest or his Superman underpants.

At the inquest into his death, the West Sussex coroner Mark Calvert Lee recorded an open verdict but said “foul play” was likely.

Police said 20,000 people had been interviewed, half of them in nearby Putney, and 6,000 properties checked.

Mr Mehrotra, now 69 and living in West Molesey near Hampton Court, said he had “hardly been contacted” by police in the intervening years.

He said he had not been spoken to in recent months despite the alleged witness reporting the murder of three boys at the time Vishal vanished.

Mr Mehrotra said: “This guesthouse was right next to where Vishal disappeared. There were predatory people there who were taking young boys and abusing them.

“It seems to me that it all adds up, so I can’t understand why the police have again failed to get in contact with me. I think the revelations of Savile and others in recent months have opened up a Pandora’s box. Hopefully everything will all come out soon.”

BBC PaedosElmGuestHouseCharges

In June 1982, four months after Vishal’s remains were found, police raided the Elm Guest House.

Dozens of men were questioned, reportedly including at least 30 who were prominent in public life and business. It was widely reported at the time that the raids were linked to Vishal’s disappearance. The Times reported that the investigation had included the disappearance of another boy, Martin Allen, 15, missing since Guy Fawkes Night, 1979, whose body has never been discovered. The son of the chauffeur to the Australian High Commissioner, he was last seen waving goodbye to a school friend at King’s Cross Underground station.

Missing Martin AllenKings Cross

Police at the time dismissed the reports as “nonsense”. Soon afterwards, lawyers acting on behalf of the guesthouse threatened newspapers with legal action if they continued reporting on its alleged activities.

Martin’s brother said on Tuesday that police should reopen the investigation into the teenager’s disappearance. Kevin Allen, 51, said he had always suspected a cover-up after police told him all the case files had been lost in a freak flood.

He said: “I think it’s a new lead. Anything to ensure these people don’t get away with it. I think there are powerful forces involved in this. Years ago I was warned by a policeman that if I looked too deep into this then I might get hurt. I’ve never forgotten that.

“We have barely heard anything for 20 years, but there are other missing cases where the police barely stopped looking.

“My dad died never knowing what happened to Martin. We would love to have an answer for my mother before she passes away.”

In May 1983, as police wound up the inquiry into Vishal Mehrotra’s death, Carole and Harry Kasir, the owners of the Elm Guest House were fined £1,000 each and given suspended nine-month sentences at the Old Bailey for “running a disorderly house”. They were found not guilty of living off immoral earnings and having obscene films.

KasirswalkfreeGrafton Close

Five years later Carole told child protection officers that children from the council-run Grafton Close Children’s Home had been supplied to the brothel. She provided names of people who had frequented the guesthouse.

The Liberal MP Cyril Smith, now dead, has been widely alleged to have abused children from Grafton Close at The Elm.

By a strange coincidence sicko MP, Keith Vaz was a solicitor at Richmond Council when the abuse claims surfaced.

Vaz filthRichmond Councilgreville-janner2

Vaz has a long history of covering-up for Britain’s VIP paedophiles, including sadistic boy-rapist Greville Janner, and should be arrested by the MET as a matter of urgency due to his in-depth knowledge of abuse rings in Leicester, Islington and Richmond.

Jason Swifthodge-filthy-cow2

At an inquest into her death in 1990, members of The National Association of Young People in Care said that Kasir had lived in fear of her life since the hotel was exposed. Christopher Fay said: “The reasons for her death are all tied up in this child pornography ring at the hotel.

“She was hounded and harassed by police and security services. She knew all the top people who had been involved in the ring at the hotel.”


Scotland Yard launched Operation Fairbank two years ago to look into suggestions that high profile political figures had been involved.

Officers have set up a new strand of the inquiry, Operation Midland, after being passed information about the three alleged murders.

The abuse also links to our sordid royals.

The Mirror recently reported on the Elm Guest House and claims that Princess Diana was aware of abuse allegations there and was in close contact with a victim:

rip-princess-diana1Dianacover-upPhilip Hates Me

” Another victim of the Elm  guest house scandal believes Princess Diana saved his life, the Sunday People has revealed.

The man, now in his forties, met the princess when he was sleeping rough  outside a London church.

He claims he was subjected to horrific abuse at the Elm from the age of 10  while he was in care at Grafton Close children’s home.

Diana gave him food and helped him find a temporary home as he battled to  rebuild his life in his twenties after escaping care.

He left a tribute to Diana at Kensington Palace when she died in the Paris  car crash of 1997.

The man said: “I have rebuilt my life and I owe it all to Diana.

She kept in touch with me even after she’d helped my back on my feet. I have  lost a real friend.”

The man claims he saw money exchanged with his then carer and his abusers at  the Elm guest house before he was taken back to the Grafton Close  home.”

In the comments section of a website discussing a high-level paedophile ring the following statement was made:

Members of SO19 know about the kids home behind Waterloo Station where they used to drop of and collect a senior royal. Good few years ago though!”

In February 2013, an elite police officer, Colin Smelt, was found with dead with gunshot wounds at his home in Camden.

He was a Royal Protection Officer with the Met.

Apparently there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

The allegations emerged when a man in his 40s came forward claiming to have been one of around 15 boys who were abused by a powerful paedophile network 30 years ago.

Some of the abuse also took place at flats in the Dolphin Square development in Pimlico, where a number of politicians have had London homes.

Dolphin Square abusedolphinsquare pimlicoHague Savile

According to the man, a 12-year-old boy was strangled by a Conservative MP at a town house in front of other victims.

On another occasion, a boy of around 10 was deliberately run down and killed by a car being driven by one of his abusers, the man claimed.

The Attorney General on Tuesday said he would back an investigation into the allegations if there was evidence to support the claims. Jeremy Wright, speaking in the Commons, said:

My view is that the Crown Prosecution Service should pursue cases where the evidence exists to wherever the evidence leads, and that is regardless of the position held by the person being investigated.

“And if evidence is brought to light to justify such an investigation, I would expect it to be carried out.”

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said the force would not comment on an ongoing investigation.”

The clock is ticking on Britain’s dirty secrets.

It’s only a matter of time.


Today is Friday and so RADIO JONES is back at 12pm GMT…..on talk radio europe


Today is Friday and so RADIO JONES is back at 12 pm GMT…..on talk radio Europe

Today we will start by looking at the ongoing FIFA scandal which seems to be so much darker then anybody could have imagined. ‪#‎JamesMDorsey‬, a journalist, and academic at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, smelled several rats many years ago and is unsurprised by the current bans imposed upon Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini. He will join me today to discuss the situation in detail, and in the light of the brilliant Panorama program broadcast last week.

And the love affairs that many an ex-patriot have had with Spain was first well-documented by the English author who wrote novels and travelogues based on his experiences traveling around Europe. His best-known work The Bible of Spain accounts his extensive travels in the country delivering the Scriptures to the Catholic masses, which quickly brought him into conflict with the Catholic Church and the conservative authorities. Borrow aficionado, Peter Missler, brings to life this colourful character.

‪#‎DrVinhChung‬ is an American doctor of pharmacology and theology who found himself in the USA as a young child having been one of the original Vietnamese Boat People. Several decades later he is passionately grateful for the opportunities that he was given by his adopted country and is very well-placed to comment on the issues in and around America´s attitudes to accepting refugees. He will answer the questions about whether all refugees are created equal?

And how can we let this week pass without a look at the unique and controversial Donald Trump. The brilliant author and campaigner ·‪#‎RaymondBechard‬ is the best person to bring us this analysis.
He writes: ¨Who else do you know who is a billionaire, real estate magnate, best-selling author, game show host, with a clothing line and a board game? It is the spirit of # DonaldTrump’s message that his supporters connect with, not the “facts” he states. His supporters aren’t really worried about facts, subtlety, complexity or nuance. He understands that the enormous, complex issues we face today are looked upon with suspicion by millions of Americans who want simple, broad answers. While this is not a terribly evolved way of thinking, it is their worldview and Trump, reflecting it masterfully, is their champion. Trump is the quintessential Public Relations Showman. He has been well known to Americans for over three decades. He times his headline-grabbing messages to capture the news media at least once a week. In fact, the pattern of his “stay in the news” messaging is about every six or seven days. The news media finds him irresistible because he gets ratings and reporting on him is very inexpensive. He dominates the coverage of the long Presidential process because he is and always has been an entertainer. And the only thing Americans love more than being entertained is the entertainers themselves. (Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sonny Bono are some examples of Republicans who were elected President, Governor and Congressman respectively). This all has to be very frustrating to the other Republican candidates because they are boring and seem oddly out of touch in comparison to Trump. All of this being said, his biggest supporter has to be Hillary Clinton. This is because Trump is destroying the Republican’s process of finding a nominee for the general election AND the fact that he could never win the general election in November 2016.¨

Pippa Jones's photo.
Pippa Jones's photo.
Pippa Jones's photo.
Pippa Jones's photo.

‎Madeleine McCann: Abduction or Scam?

Well I’m happy to come out and say it, I’m happy to confess that I AM A HATER! Am out of the closet .. What a relief!

I hate the fact that the McCaann left 3 babies for several nights in a row while they went out dining and boozing. .

I hate the fact that Madeleine and one of the twins were crying desperately on one very lonely dark night.

I hate the fact Madeleine’s parents made no attempt to physically search for her.

I hate the fact that Madeleine’s parents say they could sleep soundly just five days after her disappearance.

I hate the fact that Madeleine’s mother talks about her daughters genitals being torn apart but then says she doesn’t believe she has come to any harm.

I hate the fact the ‘we’ the public have been lied being lied to from the outset . The lies are there for all to see yet we have to ignore them.

I hate the smiling photos of Madeleine’s parents taken just a few days/weeks after her disappearance.

I hate the fact that they know we know and nobody seems to be able to do a darn thing about it.

I hate the fact that they didn’t advertise the reward

I hate the fact that they didn’t cooperate with the police

I hate the fact that they made Maddie their cashcow, Selling tacky merchandise in her name.

I hate the fact that they could not recall one single sighting when asked

I hate lots of things about this case because it involved a little girl not yet 4 but I don’t hate the McCanns. . I don’t like them. I can’t hardly bear to even look at them without experiencing feelings of utter distaste.

I actually pity them , Each day they have to look at themselves in the mirror and they know they were implicated in Maddie’s demise. Each day they know they must keep on with their web of lies and the numbers not believing them is growing daily. I feel sorry that they surely do not have the same senses and feelings that most of the rest of us do. They are not not wired right , They are so far removed from ”normal”
I feel pity for you Kate and Gerry because one day the truth will emerge ,In the meantime you have to look over your shoulder constantly because one day karma will bite and you will be exposed for the nasty people you are. ..

Frances Gallagher's photo.