Some poignant words from the Russian ambassador to the UN  | GMMuk – Michael Aydinian

Some poignant words from the Russian ambassador to the UN April 13, 2018 Michael Aydinian News

Some poignant words from the Russian ambassador to the UN The US shouldn’t assume it has friends, only countries unable to disagree. Everywhere you go, everything you touch, you leave behind only chaos. We’re not begging you for friendship. We want normal, civilized relations – which you arrogantly refuse, disregarding basic courtesy. Your so-called friends are just those who can’t say no to you. This is your only criteria for friendship. Thankfully the Russians are somehow maintaining their composure & so far have refused to sink anywhere near the hideous level the West has plunged itself. We have become an absolute embarrassment. The old USSR, disagreeable as it was, was nowhere near as bad as this. Here’s the whole piece – Some crucial facts just in case anyone is idiot enough to believe the politicians & the media:Assad has nothing to gain & everything to lose from gassing his own people. Therefore it’s obvious this chemical attack had to be a set up job. He would never do such a thing. Moreover, with the Russians 100% committed to helping him, what earthly reason would he have. The Russians would be furious with him. The West has lied before & as a result intervened militarily, only to cause utter devastation. Then, despite the fact millions have died, there is never any apology. All that happens is the West continues to lie in order to cause even more carnage. Not only that, when other countries commit mass-murder & do so by utilising weapons that have been outlawed, in front of everyone, the West inconceivably says nothing. Therefore, anyone who supports the media & politicians are either mad or brainless! Share this!

Source: Some poignant words from the Russian ambassador to the UN  | GMMuk – Michael Aydinian

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